Saturday, August 25, 2012

blog hop party~~~giveaway

It is time for a Quilter's Blog Hop Party and that means it is giveaway time!

First I want to thank, Michele from Quilting Gallery, for hosting this blog hop.

I am giving away a charm pack of Sentiments by 3Sisters for Moda.

A pincushion made by me with some of my vintage fabric and
Moda's yardstick fabric.

A 5 X 36 inch strip of the Moda fabric so you can make some pincushions too!

And a book that I have read and would like to pass along to you called
The Quilter's Legacy by Jennifer Chiaverini.

Why a blog hop party giveaway?  It gives you a chance to visit both old and new to you blogs.  
Then you hop around to see what they are all about and besides, giveaways are just fun! 
 I hope you will take some time to hop around my blog : )

 And then go visit all the other blogs.....have some fun.

To enter my giveaway, please:

1.  Leave a comment telling about something or someplace that you have on your bucket list.
(My South African trip was on my bucket list  :)  

2.  If you follow my blog, please leave a comment telling me that you follow, and you will have two chances to win. 

3.   This giveaway is for quilters in the states and internationally.

Giveaway will close on Monday, September 3, 2012. 


This giveaway is closed.


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Anonymous said...

I need to start a bucket list! I have always wanted to travel to Ireland my grandparents land.

Elisabetta said...

I am your new GFC follower!
thanks for this nice giveaway

Elisabetta said...

I'd like to come back to America visiting my relatives in PA and I'd really love to have a new house for my family (now we live with my parents-in-law)

Mother of four said...

my bucket list... simple but very expensive, travel the world to meet my quilty friends I have made through blogs, groups so on x oh and Canada/Greenland x

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying the blog hop. I agree it is fun to visit the new blogs and revisit ones I have read in the past. On my bucket list to visit is Prince Edward Island, Canada. Ever since reading the Anne Of GreenGables series when I was young.

Cassandra said...

Thanks for having a great giveaway! The biggest item on my bucket list is a month long trip to Japan. I love to travel but have only been to most of the US and Mexico. I'd love to visit Ireland as well!


I want to go to the beach in Italy



juliehallfeldhaus said...

To hike Bear Butte in SD

Jo said...

I really have no place I want to visit, but I would love to move back to New England.

Jo said...

I follow on GFC

Judi said...

Wow - great giveaway! Alaska and British Columbia are on my bucket list :)

Judi said...

I'm a follower

Jamie P said...

I would love to go on a cruise.

Donna said...

I would love to take my grandchildren to the beach.
Thank you for the generous giveaway!

WeaslerQuilts said...

I would so love to go to Kenya one day. My boyfriend lived there until he was 17, and I would really like to see where he grew up!

WeaslerQuilts said...

I am a new follower of your fantastic blog!

Susan said...

I want to visit Australia

Painting 4 Him said...

This is a delightful giveaway--I enjoy Chiaverinni very much. I have been to elder sister lives there.

Painting 4 Him said...

I am a new follower and look forward to checking back regularly.

Amy DeCesare said...

My bucket list item is to write a book. I love your little pincushion, and am happy to have found your blog through the blog hop party!

Amy DeCesare said...

I'm a new follower!

VickiT said...

I really don't have a very big bucket list but, I would love to go to Maine and that area of the country to visit the little fishing villages there. My absolute favorite dish is just about anything that contains lobster. I just want to go out there and spend a week wandering through the little shops and eating lobster for every single meal and snack.

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

vburr at charter dot net

VickiT said...

I am now subscribed to your blog via GFC as well as by email.

I took a peek at your tutorials and saw quite a few that I really like.

Deb said...

Thanks for the chance - amazing giveaway! My bucket list is 100 miles long, but I would LOVE to go to Europe someday...especially Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Britany said...

I want to go to Hawaii with my husband. We have both gone separately while we have been married, but have never been together.

Bossymamma said...

I'm following you with GFC

Bossymamma said...

Siberia is where I'd love to go

Irina said...

A trip to New York is in my bucket...thanks for the chance!

Addibrae said...

I'd like to go to Scotland

Addibrae said...

I follow you

Lisa said...

Something on my bucket list would be to visit England someday. It just seems so awesome!

Lisa said...

I'm a new follower too!

Peggy said...

I'm already a follower.

Peggy said...

I don't really have a bucket list, but I'd love to see Hawaii.

Barb and Sharon said...

Hi Elizabeth my bucket list trip would be to England to visit the places my Mum's family lived.

luvzpuppiez said...

I'm a new follower

luvzpuppiez said...

Only one thing from my bucket list, it's so hard to choose. I guess it would have to be an Alaskan Cruise.

rockgranny said...

I would love to learn how to knit socks

Joanne Lendaro said...

Italy - my bucket list.

Thanks for the fun!!

Rachel said...

We just visited the rim of the Grand Canyon this summer, so new to my bucket list is hiking across it.

Rachel said...

I am a follower, and have been for a while. Thanks for the giveaway.

OhioLori said...

Would LOVE to go to England ...some day! Wooohoooo!

Thanks for chance to win! :)

OhioLori said...

I'm a new Follower too!!

Thanks for a second chance to win! :)

Jody said...

On my bucket list is a luxury cruise around the tip of South America.

Lisa C in GA. said...

I would love to go to one of those places in the pacific where they have little suites on stilts right out in the blue, blue water. I'd like to stay for, oh, I don't know...18 months?? That's all ;)

Myself said...

I follow you by e-mail :)

Myself said...

On my list- to complete a quilted bed cover I've been working since... ever :) thanks for the great givaway!

Mike Pearson said...

I follow you already :)

Mike Pearson said...

I really want to go to Ireland and Italy. Those are on my bucket list :)

Sandra said...

I have always wanted to go to Italy. My mom's parents came from Italy and now my mother has a rental there and I would like to see it and just visit. You are giving away some really awesome things. A homemade pinchusion - that comes from your heart. The book alone is one to be treasured. I simple love the author. Thank you for all of your giveways and giving all of your followers, myself included, a chance to win.

Sandi T.

Wendy said...

Mongolia and Siberia were on my bucket list, but now I've crossed them off! I'd love to go to Bangkok, we were supposed to go on our honeymoon before flying to Vietnam but unfortunately there was civil unrest in Thailand and we didn't get to go.

quiltinggrammy said...

I've always wanted to do a European river cruise. It is sooooo on my bucket list! Thanks for the chance to enter.

Nancy said...

Thanks for participating in the blog hop and giveaway. It's very kind of you. I'm also a family historian and one of the things on my bucket list is to go to England to see where some of my ancestors lived.

Anonymous said...

Ireland! Oh, and Scotland and...well, you get the picture, it's a long list. But I've been blessed to see Paris, London and Rome in the last five years with my mom and sister. Great memories and such a blessing!

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

I'm a follower Elizabeth. What a great giveaway! :)

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

One of my more attainable bucket list goals.. hope to make it someday.. New England in the fall. Would love to see the fall colors, and the other sights! Thanks again!

free indeed said...

Bucket list place to visit is Scotland. Fell in love with the place reading George McDonald books.

free indeed said...

I am a follower

Deb said...

I'd love to go to Ireland/Scotland.

powersthatbeequilting said...

What an interesting collection of quilts you have!

powersthatbeequilting said...

I'm now following your blog - look forward to some great inspiration.

bohemiannie! art said...

An item on my bucket go on a mixed media art cruise.

Malinda said...

I would love to visit Ireland or Australia or Maine or BC or well really,any traveling is fine with me!

Marsha Cooper said...

Bucket list...afraid that is a long one...
Just one thing would be to take a trip to Las Vegas.

Debbie said...

I don't really have a bucket list...guess to own a vintage camper and travel across the country

Debbie said...

A new follower. Wonderful giveaway

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I would love to visit Maine in the fall and eat lots of lobster! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I follow your blog, thanks!

Judy1522 said...

On my list is spending time traveling around the European countries.

Karrie said...

I would love to go to Ireland.

Karrie said...

I'm a follower

Anonymous said...

To make a king sized quilt is pretty high up there! Thanks for thoughful gifts too!

Maria Kievit said...

Probably weird, but I would love to attend a week Quilting retreat! Have put the bug in hubby's ear, maybe in the near future! Thanks for the giveaway.

Lori said...

My husband and I would love to go to Australia.

Trinity said...

I want to go to Ireland someday....

Debby said...

England is on my bucket list, hope to make it there some day. thanks for the opportunity

Anonymous said...

I want to see the bats swarm out of Carlsbad!! And the monarchs on the trees in Mexico.

Sherri said...

Thanks for participating in the blog hop with such a wonderful prize too! I think traveling to Germany would be on my bucket list. My ancestors are from there. Otherwise, I think I have done most everything I have wanted to do as I thought about it! lol

Sue said...

On my bucket list is a trip to Down Under. I have always wanted to see Australia as well as New Zealand. Now wouldn't that be fun?

Sue said...

I have been following you for a while now.

nicolesender said...

I plan to is to take a quiet trip to a local lake and relax!

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