
Saturday, August 25, 2012

blog hop party~~~giveaway

It is time for a Quilter's Blog Hop Party and that means it is giveaway time!

First I want to thank, Michele from Quilting Gallery, for hosting this blog hop.

I am giving away a charm pack of Sentiments by 3Sisters for Moda.

A pincushion made by me with some of my vintage fabric and
Moda's yardstick fabric.

A 5 X 36 inch strip of the Moda fabric so you can make some pincushions too!

And a book that I have read and would like to pass along to you called
The Quilter's Legacy by Jennifer Chiaverini.

Why a blog hop party giveaway?  It gives you a chance to visit both old and new to you blogs.  
Then you hop around to see what they are all about and besides, giveaways are just fun! 
 I hope you will take some time to hop around my blog : )

 And then go visit all the other blogs.....have some fun.

To enter my giveaway, please:

1.  Leave a comment telling about something or someplace that you have on your bucket list.
(My South African trip was on my bucket list  :)  

2.  If you follow my blog, please leave a comment telling me that you follow, and you will have two chances to win. 

3.   This giveaway is for quilters in the states and internationally.

Giveaway will close on Monday, September 3, 2012. 


This giveaway is closed.


  1. Hi Elizabeth. Thanks for a lovely giveaway. A visit to Mt. Rushmore is on my bucket list. I saw a documentary once about how it was made and been hooked ever since!

  2. I'm a happy follower. thanks for the second chance

  3. Awesome giveaway, Elizabeth! Thanks for the chances! On my bucket list are so many places, cuz I feel I haven't been anywhere! Mostly anywhere in Europe.....I keep crossing my fingers that one day we will go! :o)

  4. And, of course, I'm a happy follower!

  5. I am a follower. Thanks for the chance.

  6. A trip to Alaska is on my bucket list. And Italy. Thanks for a chance to win a lovely prize.

  7. On my bucket list is a trip to the Crossroads! Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. I would love to go to Hawaii someday.

  9. I want to go to Italy one day. Thank you for the giveaway.

  10. Alaska is on my bucket list. I have been to almost every state, but that is one I still need to visit.

  11. I have been a follower for a while now. Thank you for the great giveaway!

  12. I started a bucket list in 2009 and quilting was on it - check. Next is to hang glide and go to Iceland. Perhaps I should hang glide in Iceland and cross 2 off at once!!?

  13. I am a follower :) Lovely giveaway - thanks for letting me enter!!

  14. for fun I'd like to skydive one day.... quilting bucketlist? oh I have so many.

  15. I'd like to visit Iceland one day.

  16. I guess my dream vacation is pretty simple. I have always wanted to visit the Black Hills in South Dakota. LOL

  17. Eu tenho dois:Uma máquina super moderna braço-longo,e uma lojinha de costura e aviamentos.Não consigo acordar deste sonho,não sei por quê...Obrigada por abrir internacional,sou

  18. Sou seguidora,obrigada também pela segunda

  19. Wow what a fabulous giveaway! A mid-arm machine and frame would be on my bucket list :-) Thanks!

  20. Japan so I can get some of their awesome craft books

  21. I want to go to London, England for many weeks.

  22. I want to visit Ireland and make a Tree of Life quilt before I check out.

  23. On my bucket list is going to France and Ireland!!!

  24. I want to visit America and I would love to read that book. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.

  25. I am a follower, thanks so much.

  26. With love from Russia! I am a follower! Thank you!

  27. I have quite a few but I'd really love to visit Japan :)
    I love the circles on your header!

  28. Someplace on my bucket list?
    Phuket, Thailand. It's the only place in Thailand that I haven't been yet, that I really want to visit.

  29. I don't have a bucket list. I would just like to retire within 5 years if the economy shapes up.
     Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize.


  30. One bucket list item of mine is to go deep sea fishing. Really! :)

  31. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! I'm already a follower! Have a Happy Day! :)

  32. Hi! Thank you for a wonderful give away - wow how great presents! I'm dreaming of Italy and colourful Rome! x Teje

  33. I would love to go hiking through Russia in the northern half from west to east ...

  34. I want to go to Scotland! That is on my bucket list.

  35. i subscribe via email (

  36. My bucket list trip is to go to Japan in blossom time. I went in the autumn a few years ago, but I want to see those cherry blossoms! We're going to try next year - let's hope the weather is with us! Thank you for the lovely giveaway :)

  37. Thanks for the chance to win some awesome prizes. On my bucket list is a trip to Alaska. I would love to take a cruise. That would be amazing.

  38. I'd love to visit New Zealand & Australia one day. Thanks for the giveaway.

  39. I'm a follower - receiving posts by email. Thanks.

  40. A cruise is top of my bucket list! (hope hubby reads this!)

  41. thanks for the chance to win some lovely things - from a follower wo enjoys your posts

  42. Yosemete Nat'l Park is on my bucket list.

  43. I'd love to visit Canada and Scotland :) (I've been to the States before, but I'd also love to be able to take the kids to Disney World one day!)

  44. Thank you for the chance tow in. For my bucket list, I would like to visit India and Australia.

  45. Taking an RV trip to see the California redwoods (from Ohio) is on my bucket list in the next few years.

  46. Take my boys and hubby to Germany,
    where I was born. Sure hope that lottery is feeling like cooperating for that trip!
    Thank you for the chance

  47. A visit to New Zealand is on my bucket list!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  48. I'm follower number 368, I hope that is a lucky number for me. Thanks

  49. Gosh, I'm not sure about a bucket list. Probably the most posted comment would be to travel but I'm happy to just take day trips. We just moved to Kansas 10 months ago from Portland, OR so it is fun to take trips around here just to get to know Kansas. Thanks.

  50. Gosh, I'm not sure about a bucket list. Probably the most posted comment would be to travel but I'm happy to just take day trips. We just moved to Kansas 10 months ago from Portland, OR so it is fun to take trips around here just to get to know Kansas. Thanks.

  51. I have Australia on my bucket list! Thank you for the great giveaway.

  52. I'm a new quilter so completing a quilt is on my bucket list. I tend to start things and not finish so this is a bigger challenge than it sounds! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  53. I follow your blog by email. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  54. I would love a trip to Europe with my daughter, or for that matter with any of my children or my sister. Thanks for the chance on your great giveaway!

  55. I'm thinking a cruise to Alaska is on my list.

  56. I am a follower of your blog for a second chance to win this YUMMY blog candy. Thanks!!

  57. OOOOO, I LOVE Jennifer Chiaverini. AND I have not yet read this book!! What a wonderful piece of yumminess blog candy you are giving!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  58. oops, forgot to tell you that DANCING ON THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA is on my bucket list. I want to see it so badly, but I also want to DANCE A LITTLE JIG on it too!!

  59. My bucket list is FIJI!! I would LOVE to go!

  60. Going on a cruise with DH is on my bucket list. I have a hard time leaving my kids behind, so it will likely have to wait til they have all flown the coop.

  61. Honestly, I'd go anywhere...I just plan to fly somewhere before I die! =)

    Thanks for a lovely giveaway.

  62. I've been sewing since I was a child but have never sewn a quilt even though I've admire them. So making a quilt is in my bucket list. With all this bloggers sharing about quilting I sense the time is near.

  63. I want to visit the Grand Canyon and to do a distillery tour of Scotland.

  64. Alaska -- I want to visit Alaska! My nephew Kyle lives there with his wife Kathy and his baby girl "Mary Morningstar" (named after my mom. Bald Eagles, Salmon, fresh air...

    Thanks for the giveaway Elizabeth,


  65. Visiting Egypt is on my bucket list!

  66. I think Switzerland would be an awesome place to visit. Thanks for a nice giveaway.

  67. A trip to a large quilt show is on my bucket list. Thanks for the giveaway.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. England and Scotland are on my bucket list. Someday...

  70. I'd love to visit England or Germany!

  71. Alaska is very near the top of my bucket list. Thanks for the chance to win these lovely giftys ... :) Pat

  72. I would like to visit Switzerland. Thanks for the chance to win.

  73. My bucket list includes: Visit Sweden! :-) I have Swedish ancestry-- and one of my son-in-laws is Swedish, so a trip is definitely something that I want to do. :-) Thank you for the chance to win!

  74. I am a follower-- thank you again! :-)

  75. I'm already a follower and enjoy every visit. On my bucket list of places to visit is Australia or go whale watching up north. The northern lights would also be a treat. Thank you for sharing.. Judith, Texas

  76. On my bucket list is to go back to Bora Bora. It was beautiful, and I would like to see more!

  77. My bucket list is long and ever changing but I definitely want to go to Ireland at some point. Thanks for the chance to win!

  78. I would love to visit Germany.

  79. Bucket list: Hawaii for our 40th anniversary....we never had a honeymoon as hubby is a vet, would love to see pearl harbor.

  80. Paris!

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  81. G'Day from Australia! I'm a new blog follower via email.

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  82. Very cool giveaways!! Thanks for the chance!

  83. The two big ones on my bucket list are Scotland (land of my maternal Grandma) and The Painted Desert.

    Thanks for such a nice giveaway.

  84. I'm a very happy follower of your blog. :D Thanks again!

  85. I love to travel so there are a lot of places on my bucket list, but today I'll pick Hawaii as my first pick. Thanks for a chance at an awesome giveaway.

  86. I have become a follower. Thanks for being a part of the blog hop.

  87. Bucket List....I'll tell you one item on my fantasy bucket list (in other words, I have very little control over whether I can achieve it). I would love to have dinner at the white house one day with a president and his family. I don't care which president. I respect anyone who is able to get elected. If you have any connections (anyone?), keep me in mind!

  88. I'm a new follower. I found you through the blog hop and I'm glad I did. I'm looking forward to your inspiring posts. Thanks for the giveaway!

  89. Visit all 50 states! Hawaii might be a problem since my hubby doesn't like to fly! :(. Thanks for the giveaway!

  90. I'd really love to go to Denmark & Iceland - in summer time, not in the depths of winter! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  91. And I'm a new follower, thanks.

  92. On my bucket list is a vacation in Southern England

  93. One of the places I would like to go visit on my bucket list are the Caves of Lascaux...the paleolithic artists are my favorite...I just love those horses that they painted. I also would like to visit and explore the Grand Canyon.
    But the ultimate 'to do' on my bucket be able to create all the ideas I have floating around in my head!! :D

    sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

  94. I just signed up to your blog...I am now one of your newest blog followers! :)

    sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

  95. A visit to Tokyo, Japan is in my bucket list. Thanks!

  96. I would like to visit England someday. Great giveaway!

  97. One thing on my bucket list is to see the Redwoods in CA. I'm on the opposite end of the US so it seems so far away.

  98. Moose hunting in Alaska is on my bucket list :)

  99. I am subscribed to your blog, and i love it! :)

  100. There are so many places I want to go, Peru. Bali, the Cook Islands. But they are all so far away, I'll settle for a trip nearer home...Beautiful BC!

  101. Ooh, I have a lot of places on my bucket list! Guess the top one would be Thailand - I'd love to ride an elephant & see the lush landscape.
    bandkgram at hotmail dot ca

  102. I'm a new GFC follower named gibberish
    bandkgram at hotmail dot ca

  103. I would love to go to Hawaii! Thanks for a chance to win.

  104. Thanks for the chance on your lovely giveaway. The pin cushion is so cute. On my bucket list is a cruise to Alaska and I would also like to visit Hawaii.

  105. On my bucket place of places to visit is Chicago.

  106. I am a follower. Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway.

  107. I want to go to Sweden with piles of fabric, my sewing machine and my little camera, and visit my daughter, son-in-law, grandson and granddaughter.

  108. I am a happy regular follower of your blog!

  109. My bucket list includes a cruise on the Rhone River to visit all those castles.

  110. My bucket list is full of quilts I would love to make. Thanks for the giveaway.

  111. My bucket list includes a trip to France. Thank you for the chance to win your great giveaway.

  112. I am a follower, thanks for the second chance to win.

  113. have a quilt to get made for graduation this spring.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  114. My bucket list includes quit my job and travel, I would like to come back to USA and OZ. hugs

  115. I am your follower nr. 378, and you could be my nr. 378 follower if you come now to my blog. hugs

  116. I would love to attend a live performance of A Prairie Home Companion. Love that show!

  117. A trip to Europe, specifically France and Italy is on my bucket list. I want to see all the art, sculptures and eat lots of good food :)

  118. I want to learn to paper piece.

  119. I would like to go to Disney World in FL. Thanks for the chance to win!

  120. On my bucket list is a trip to Key West, FL. Thanks!

  121. Visiting Australia and Spain are on my bucket list.

  122. Thanks you for a wonderful giveaway! My dream vacation is not exotic. Two undisturbed weeks in a cabin on a lake just me and my hubby

  123. The top of my bucket list is getting this house ready to sell so we can more. Thanks for the giveaway.

  124. Hawaii is on my bucket list....thanks for a great giveaway

  125. I have always wanted to go to Australia. What I want to do is go between the two countries and follow spring. I don't every want to see a winter again. LOL!

  126. What a super giveaway! I'd love to get in the motorhome and just take off. There are so many beautiful places here in America and I'd love to see some of them. It would be great to have no time limit and stop if I wanted and where I wanted along the way.

    Thank you for a generous giveaway and a chance to win.


  127. What an awesome giveaway!

    Thanks again for a chance to win.


  128. On my bucket list is a trip across Australia by train.

  129. bucket list is too long. I love to travel. I would really like to visit Sweden. My dad was born there and I would love to see the area that he came from. I would also love to visit Prague. I hear it is the only city that may be more beautiful than Budapest. I'd like to see for myself.

  130. I am a new follower via Google Reader.

  131. Hi , one thing I would like to do that is at the top of my list is to go to the Houston quilt show, that would be awesome ! Thank you for the opportunity to win such wonderful prizes ! There is sure is going to be one happy person !! Have a wonderful time.

  132. I am following your blog. Now to go look around ! Thanks !

  133. I've been a follower in my google reader for a long time. Always love your stuff! Thanks for the sweet giveaway.

    On my bucket list, climbing to the top of grand teton! I have to start training!

  134. I'd love to make it to Gwen marstons beaver creek island quilt retreat someday.
    Darling pin cushions

  135. Oh, I have a Bucket list a mile long. There are so many things that I would like to see and do. One is that I want to place a foot in each of the 50 states. I was in half already.

  136. I am a happy follower, thanks for the chance to win.

  137. thank you for the chance to win..Going on a safari is on my bucket list

  138. My dreamjourney is a trip at the "hurtigrutten" along the Norwegiancoast up to Kirkegard and back again!
    Love your wunderfull give away.

  139. I really, really want to cruise the rivers of China. Maybe someday. love the pincushions and all. Thanks.

  140. My bucket list includes a Canadian Rockies trip (bus, train, and plane travel included).
    I'm a pincushion addict so when I saw your pincushion and that cute measuring tape fabric, I knew I had to leave a comment. (I don't leave comments on too many blogs.)

  141. I am just dying to take a cruise to Alaska, then train ride across Canada. thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  142. I'm a new follower. I love blog hops.

  143. England or Germany were always the place on my bucket list, but I fear I will never make that trip..

  144. I would love to go to Denmark to visit with my long time friend .thanks for the chance at your lovely giveaway .

  145. I am a new follower , thanks again.

  146. My husband and I are saving for a romantic trip to Italy! awolk at rogers dot com

  147. I have followed you via email blog! awolk at rogers dot com

  148. I have been wanting to read one of these quilting stories. I would like to visit Germany and Ireland one day

  149. I'd love to visit Iceland with my husband.

    winterwrens at gmail dot com

  150. thanks for a great prize, Id love to visit Vegas :)

  151. Not actually one place, but several, a quilting tour of New England. Thanks.

  152. New follower. Thanks for joining the blog hop making it easier to find you!

  153. My bucket list has an Alaskan tour to see polar bears and orcas. Then onto France and the rest of Europe to explore the craft markets.

  154. I would love to go on a Norwegian Fjord cruise and see the Northern Lights.

  155. Great giveaway. My bucket list is to visit England, Denmark, Ireland, Norway to see where my ancestors came from. Thanks for the oportunity and good luck to all

  156. I am an existing follower. Love your blog
