
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

dimensional flying geese

I saw this post and decided to make some dimensional flying geese and then make the lazy cathedral window like Mary at The Tulip Patch.  I was pleasantly surprised at how easy they were to make.  I sewed the window down by hand, and Mary machine stitched hers.  I see another mini quilt in my future : )


Don't forget to enter my giveaway here.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

de-stash 4malawi

I am joining Lilypad Quilting in a charity drive for fabric.  The Kropfs, a wonderful couple in Malawi(in southeastern Africa) work to educate, clothe, and house the many orphan children there.  They live and work among the very poor.  Mrs. Kropfs has over 900 children to sew for and this is where our de-stash of fabric can become a welcome donation that she will use to make their new clothes : )

Please go to Lilypad Quilting to find out how you can help by sending one yard(or more)pieces of fabric to  help in this effort in Malawi!  There will even be a giveaway from several sponsors.  I know it will be a great pleasure to share some of my unused fabric as well as freeing up some space on my shelves!

Here is my box of fabric ready to go to the post office:

I hope you will join me and other quilters as we De-stash 4Malawi.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway here.


Monday, September 26, 2011

chicken crossing

My mini quilt this week was a personal challenge to work with the color orange.  It is not my favorite color to use in quilts, however, I have seen many gorgeous quilts using this color.  I decided to make a cross quilt block mini because I plan to make a larger version using different fabrics later.

I started with some Heather Ross chicken fabric.  There were four  5.5 inch squares that I cut in half.
I cut my orange fabric in 1.75 inch strips to make the cross in the blocks.  Remember that I don't have a pattern, I am just winging it : )  Did you get the joke??

 After trimming the four cross blocks I sewed them together and added a border.  I decided not to use binding.  I put my quilt top and back right sides together with my batting under the quilt top and I sewed around the three layers.  I left about 3 inches to turn the fabric and I sewed the small opening shut.  Then I sat outside with my husband and watched some college football and quilted this little mini quilt.  While watching the games, I used variegated orange perle cotton thread to do my new favorite "big stitch quilting"!

My Chicken Crossing mini quilt finished 12 X 12 inches.  I am really enjoying making these mini quilts. What a great way to try something new : )  I am adding my link to Mini Quilt Monday with Faith at Fresh Lemons, Celebrate Color with Rachel at Stitched in Color,  Sew Modern Monday with Megan at Canoe Ridge Creations and Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story!

Don't forget about my giveaway here!


Friday, September 23, 2011

chequer-board bag

I am thinking about making a bag from this pattern by Kaffee Fassett found in the book, Westminster Patchwork and Quilting Book Number 3.   It is a fantastic book that is full of inspiration and projects that I want to try.

I have made two bags already.  One is with some of my Liberty fabric and the other is with some Amy Butler fabric.  If you read my blog last Friday, you know these are some of my all time favorite fabrics : )

Here are the bags that I have already made:

I am going to make my next one more like the picture in the book....a chequer-board bag.  I am hoping to find enough solid fabric in my stash.  I think I have some shot cottons like were used in the book, but I don't know if I have enough, or if they are the right colors.  I think it would be nice with some linen too, but first I will look for the colors of autumn.   Won't this make a nice bag to carry around this fall?

Don't forget about my giveaway!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

my memories free software giveaway

I am excited to show you what I have learned using the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software!

I am having lots of fun learning how to use this digital scrapbook which includes many templates, backgrounds, fonts, and embellishments to choose from.  It is also possible to make your own by starting with a blank canvas, or you can visit their website and choose from their wonderful selection of kits.

My first page of flowers has a white background and I like how the flower embellishments pop off the page.

Next, I made a page about hiking in Colorado.  There are so many layouts and background colors and templates to choose from that every page can look different.

I think this digital scrapbooking software will come in handy for adding photos in my blog posts as well as making scrapbook templates of my photos.  And it is very easy to use : )   

Watch this video for more information:

I like the look of my Block Swap Adventure blocks on this page.

I am only just beginning to figure out all that I can do with My Memories software.
And, of course, I have many Tiger pictures to play with so I will have lots of practice.

Along with my review(please remember this is just my opinion) of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software, I have the opportunity to host a giveaway and you will have a chance to win your very own copy of My Memories Suite software!

To enter this giveaway you have 3 chances to win:

1.  Please visit and leave a comment telling me which digital paper pack or layout is your favorite.

2.  Follow my blog and leave comment.

3.  Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment.

This giveaway starts Thursday, September 22, 2011 and ends Friday, September 30, 2011.  The software is only licensed in the United States or Canada, so only residents from the US or Canada should enter.  The winner will receive a promo code to download their free software.(It was very easy to install)

I have a special for my readers who would like to purchase the My Memories Suite software now!
You will receive a $10 discount off the purchase of the software and a $10 coupon for the My Memories store----a $20 value.   Just copy and paste this coupon code to get this great deal:

I will continue to use my scrapbook software for my blog pictures in the future : )


Giveaway is closed.  Winners have been contacted by e-mail : )

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

first sewing project

I found my first sewing project!  My sweet grandmother taught me to sew when I was about 10 years old.  This is the first thing that I made(with her help).

Can you guess what I had inside?

I don't know if little girls play jacks anymore, but I use to play all the time.

I am happy to report that the balls still bounce and I can still play jacks : )
I soon advanced to making clothes for my Barbie!


Monday, September 19, 2011

big finish on mini quilt monday

I am so happy with my finish today.  It is a block I made when I joined one of Lily's quilt alongs.  I made this dresden circle and didn't know if it would ever lay flat.  But after the big stitch quilting and binding I am happy to say it is flat and will look nice on my sewing room wall : )

I had several firsts on this Mini Quilt Monday .  I started big stitch quilting, used 505 basting spray, and I also used scrap binding.  All in all, this was a good finish!

I may decide to add more stitching to this mini quilt later, but for now I am going to just enjoy it like it is.  It was a beautiful morning to take pictures and my sweet dog, Sandy, is always nearby in case I need her help.

I have linked this blog to Quilt Story Fabric Tuesday.


Friday, September 16, 2011

more big stitch quilting

I think I have discovered something that is going to help me get some of my unfinished quilt tops "finished"!  I am really enjoying big stitch quilting.  It will be great handwork as the weather gets cooler and the nights get longer and I sit in front of the TV a bit more : )

Here's one of my charms on point quilt tops that I have started quilting with the big stitch.

Big stitch with crochet thread, 505 basting spray, and no hoop!


favorite fabric friday

Today is the day that Mary and Susan are having a linky party for showing off your favorite bits of fabric!

Here are a few fabrics from Erin Michael's Up Town that I am saving for something special:

I still have lots of scraps of Amy Butler's Gypsy Caravan that show up in my work, but these two pieces are my favorites and I will be sad when they are gone.

I also have some Liberty of London scraps that I have been hoarding for years, and I have them well hidden(I couldn't find them : ).


Thursday, September 15, 2011

hummus, anyone?

First of all, I am making a bit of progress on my big stitch quilting.  I am really enjoying it, but I am still breaking hoop  : O

Now to my lunch!  I eat hummus often.....and I have always wanted to make it, so I finally got all the ingredients together and found out that it is very easy to make.

LOL....I thought I was so clever getting all the ingredients in one picture.  Notice the balsamic is supposed to be OLIVE OIL!

I used this recipe and it is wonderful.  I will add some red peppers next time, but it is very good straight from the recipe.

Yummy!  And I did realize I had a bottle of vinegar in my hand before I added it to the hummus and I used olive oil instead : )  I will be making this often.

Back to stitching after lunch,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

big stitch

I am quilting with a big stitch like I have seen Mary of Molly Flanders use quite often : )   I am trying out the 505 basting spray and so far I really like how it holds the three layers together.

I am also using crochet thread instead of the perle cotton #8 that most quilters are using these days.  I just found more colors in the crochet thread and it is also economical and comes in large amounts.  I hope I am not breaking any rules!

Here is what I have quilted so far:
