
Monday, September 26, 2011

chicken crossing

My mini quilt this week was a personal challenge to work with the color orange.  It is not my favorite color to use in quilts, however, I have seen many gorgeous quilts using this color.  I decided to make a cross quilt block mini because I plan to make a larger version using different fabrics later.

I started with some Heather Ross chicken fabric.  There were four  5.5 inch squares that I cut in half.
I cut my orange fabric in 1.75 inch strips to make the cross in the blocks.  Remember that I don't have a pattern, I am just winging it : )  Did you get the joke??

 After trimming the four cross blocks I sewed them together and added a border.  I decided not to use binding.  I put my quilt top and back right sides together with my batting under the quilt top and I sewed around the three layers.  I left about 3 inches to turn the fabric and I sewed the small opening shut.  Then I sat outside with my husband and watched some college football and quilted this little mini quilt.  While watching the games, I used variegated orange perle cotton thread to do my new favorite "big stitch quilting"!

My Chicken Crossing mini quilt finished 12 X 12 inches.  I am really enjoying making these mini quilts. What a great way to try something new : )  I am adding my link to Mini Quilt Monday with Faith at Fresh Lemons, Celebrate Color with Rachel at Stitched in Color,  Sew Modern Monday with Megan at Canoe Ridge Creations and Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story!

Don't forget about my giveaway here!



  1. I've been thinking about setting myself a colour challenge with quilts, although mine would be about colour combinations that I don't normally like, rather than a specific colour.

    You did really well with yours!

  2. I really like this! The hand-stitching is great, and I like that you didn't do binding.

  3. Orange is a great color and it looks good on your mini, I like the no binding and the hand quilting. nice job!

  4. I've never seen the HR chickens before--pretty darling fabric. :)

  5. Fabulous! Orange is one of my favorite colors, so of course I love it! The chicken fabric is very cute, and your hand stitching looks great. Mine would look like...chicken scratch!

  6. Very very cute! Orange is definitely growing on me! Very nice.

  7. Lovely! I really like the hand stitching, something I have done very little of but it looks pretty.

  8. Definitely a successful experience with orange. Thanks for adding it!

  9. ha ha ha ... winging it!! :o)

    Your little quilt is just adorable.
    I love those little chickens and your stitching is fabulous!! :o)

    Have a great week.
    Sincerely, Trish

  10. Such a cute little quilt. Just love it!

  11. This is wonderful...simple and fun with some very nice the design and the embroidery extras!!!

  12. Lovely!! I like the use of orange! :)

  13. Oh gosh that's pretty! Nothing beats handstitching!
    ~Monika in Saskatoon

  14. It's such a cheery little quilt! I love the hand-stitching too!
