
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

de-stash 4malawi

I am joining Lilypad Quilting in a charity drive for fabric.  The Kropfs, a wonderful couple in Malawi(in southeastern Africa) work to educate, clothe, and house the many orphan children there.  They live and work among the very poor.  Mrs. Kropfs has over 900 children to sew for and this is where our de-stash of fabric can become a welcome donation that she will use to make their new clothes : )

Please go to Lilypad Quilting to find out how you can help by sending one yard(or more)pieces of fabric to  help in this effort in Malawi!  There will even be a giveaway from several sponsors.  I know it will be a great pleasure to share some of my unused fabric as well as freeing up some space on my shelves!

Here is my box of fabric ready to go to the post office:

I hope you will join me and other quilters as we De-stash 4Malawi.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway here.



  1. Oh Elizabeth, how beautiful! Thank you for the post...shout all blog-land!

    And thank you already for that box full of GORGEOUS fabrics! I'm totally in awe of all the lovely fabrics arriving at my home...I think the post master will be getting a workout! Those boxes are heavy! =)

    God bless you and each one...whether they send a single yard or is all an immense blessing!!!!!

  2. I sent my box off today. This is a great effort to help the orphans. And help me de-stash some of my fabric :-)
