
Thursday, September 15, 2011

hummus, anyone?

First of all, I am making a bit of progress on my big stitch quilting.  I am really enjoying it, but I am still breaking hoop  : O

Now to my lunch!  I eat hummus often.....and I have always wanted to make it, so I finally got all the ingredients together and found out that it is very easy to make.

LOL....I thought I was so clever getting all the ingredients in one picture.  Notice the balsamic is supposed to be OLIVE OIL!

I used this recipe and it is wonderful.  I will add some red peppers next time, but it is very good straight from the recipe.

Yummy!  And I did realize I had a bottle of vinegar in my hand before I added it to the hummus and I used olive oil instead : )  I will be making this often.

Back to stitching after lunch,

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