
Monday, July 28, 2014

social tote

I had the pleasure of attending the first SewOK retreat a few days ago, and it was 
so much fun!

One of the classes, taught by Carolyn Friedlander, was making her cute
pattern called Social Tote.  Carolyn is a delightful person and a wonderful
teacher.  This pattern was a little "out-of-my-box" in sewing comfort : ),
but I am so happy that I gave it a try, and very pleased with my project!

I used fabric that I had purchased from Yoshiko Jinzenji at QuiltCon last year.
I wish I could show you all the finished social totes from the class, but if you follow
instagram you can find many of them using #sewokretreat.

carolyn friedlander pattern

yoshiko jinzenji fabric

As you can see it holds lots of sew stuff!  And you can also probably tell how
happy I am with it by all the pictures that I took : )

I'll let my pincushion speak for itself…..


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

mqg challenge

I have entered my Michael Miller challenge for The Modern Quilt Guild.
It is a 16 X 16 inch mini quilt that I am calling "Flower Power".

The MQG sent our guild(OKCMQG) fat eighths of the fabric below for each of
us that wanted to participate.

We could make whatever we wanted, and surprise, surprise….
I made a mini quilt : )

The fabrics were fun and modern and probably not anything that I
would have chosen….that is what makes a challenge fun!

The colors were perfect for taking a picture outside!


Monday, July 14, 2014

little quilt monday~~~triangle play

I finally added my binding to this mini quilt,  Triangle Play.  It is a happy
little quilt : )

I think the citron colored binding is the perfect finish!

It is such a pretty day to take pictures outside.

My big stitches look good from the back…I used a linen tea towel for the backing.

Had to add my tag : )


Friday, July 11, 2014

mini quilt swap mail

I had some "happy mail" this week…my mini quilt arrived!  It is a beautiful string star made by Verlynne from Arizona.  She also sent some goodies along with it, making it a very fun swap : )

Her machine quilting is lovely.

The colors are so bright and cheerful.

Here it is on the wall with some of my other mini quilts.

I really enjoyed this mini swap…thank you so much, Verlynne!


Thursday, July 10, 2014

cross timbers quilt block

A few years ago I made an original quilt block that I call Cross Timbers, for a
Block party at Quilt Story blog that I wrote about in a post here.

This month I made the same pattern for the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension
Centennial quilt.  They provided the fabric and asked for a 12.5 inch block.

I volunteer at my county extension as a Master Gardener.  I'll get my certification in October.   I really enjoyed the classes and I have learned so much about gardening from them.  Now I volunteer to answer phones and also help with different gardening projects that the extension offers to the public.  There is always something to learn, and the people I have met there are wonderful.

Here is a picture of my Cross Timbers quilt block:

I look forward to seeing all the other quilt blocks and the final quilt or two that will be made from them!


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

mini quilt swap

I made a quilt for the schnitzel and boo mini quilt swap.
I made a quilt for Nancy, and she has received her quilt, and she seems to like it!
It was lots of fun to make….I haven't received mine yet, but I know it should be soon : )

The name of this mini is "Bouquet".

I started making hexagons with some of my Kaffe Fassett stash.


After I sewed them into a flower bouquet, I machine stitched them to some denim chambray.

I quilted using several colors of crochet thread with big stitches.
You know how I like to stitch with those big stitches!

Although the color looks like charcoal, it really is blue/denim.
I used a scrappy binding to finish it off.

mini quilt swap

I added a few goodies to the box…small scissors, notecards, tea, and a pincushion!
This is a picture that Nancy took after she opened her package.

Now, I am anxiously waiting to see what will come in the mail for me
and who it will be from….it is fun to make new friends : )
