
Thursday, July 10, 2014

cross timbers quilt block

A few years ago I made an original quilt block that I call Cross Timbers, for a
Block party at Quilt Story blog that I wrote about in a post here.

This month I made the same pattern for the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension
Centennial quilt.  They provided the fabric and asked for a 12.5 inch block.

I volunteer at my county extension as a Master Gardener.  I'll get my certification in October.   I really enjoyed the classes and I have learned so much about gardening from them.  Now I volunteer to answer phones and also help with different gardening projects that the extension offers to the public.  There is always something to learn, and the people I have met there are wonderful.

Here is a picture of my Cross Timbers quilt block:

I look forward to seeing all the other quilt blocks and the final quilt or two that will be made from them!


1 comment:

  1. What a great block!

    My brother and sister are both Master Gardeners and have loved it.
