
Monday, July 28, 2014

social tote

I had the pleasure of attending the first SewOK retreat a few days ago, and it was 
so much fun!

One of the classes, taught by Carolyn Friedlander, was making her cute
pattern called Social Tote.  Carolyn is a delightful person and a wonderful
teacher.  This pattern was a little "out-of-my-box" in sewing comfort : ),
but I am so happy that I gave it a try, and very pleased with my project!

I used fabric that I had purchased from Yoshiko Jinzenji at QuiltCon last year.
I wish I could show you all the finished social totes from the class, but if you follow
instagram you can find many of them using #sewokretreat.

carolyn friedlander pattern

yoshiko jinzenji fabric

As you can see it holds lots of sew stuff!  And you can also probably tell how
happy I am with it by all the pictures that I took : )

I'll let my pincushion speak for itself…..



  1. Well, that's fun Elizabeth! Loving the pin cushion (AND the quilts below), too!

  2. Oh, that's a cute tote! I need one of those...
