
Friday, August 31, 2012

show off friday~~~pink stitches

Show Off Friday

I made a mug rug this week.  This is the perfect project for a busy week!

It measures 6 X 9 inches.

I didn't bind this one, using random pink stitches to finish the edge instead.
The hexagon flower is Kaffe Fassett fabric and the background is linen.
The backing is a bright green shot cotton that looks lovely with the pink stitches : )

I am sending this little mat to work with my daughter if she wants it!

Now it is your turn to link up something~~~~ what do you have for

Show Off Friday

There are no rules for this link up party....this is just the place to show off
projects you are working on!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

inspiration picture

Here is a picture of the stained glass window that is at the top of the stairs of the house
that we will be moving into in October. 

I have the feeling that this will be an inspiration to me for a 
future mini quilt, and maybe even a larger quilt!

Do pictures inspire any of your quilt creations?


Monday, August 27, 2012

little quilt monday~~~quiet week

 Little Quilt Monday

I have nothing to show you today for LQM.  I have been straightening, sorting, and
cleaning up my messy sewing room.

Here is an inspiration picture that I took while in South Africa.
This was hanging over our bed and I would like to make a little quilt
with this design!

I hope you have been more creative than I have been this week : ) 

Now it is your turn to link up something to

Little Quilt Monday

1.  This link-up party is for any small project.  For example, mini quilts, doll quilts, baby quilts, place mats, mug rugs,
wall quilts, table runners, etc.

2.  They can be a WIP(work-in-progress) or finished.

3.  If it is something from the past there is no need to write a new blog post, just link the one that you have already written, and, please link back to my blog post.

4.   If you are interested, you can add your pictures to my flickr group here, or join my Facebook group here. 

Let's inspire each other!


Saturday, August 25, 2012

blog hop party~~~giveaway

It is time for a Quilter's Blog Hop Party and that means it is giveaway time!

First I want to thank, Michele from Quilting Gallery, for hosting this blog hop.

I am giving away a charm pack of Sentiments by 3Sisters for Moda.

A pincushion made by me with some of my vintage fabric and
Moda's yardstick fabric.

A 5 X 36 inch strip of the Moda fabric so you can make some pincushions too!

And a book that I have read and would like to pass along to you called
The Quilter's Legacy by Jennifer Chiaverini.

Why a blog hop party giveaway?  It gives you a chance to visit both old and new to you blogs.  
Then you hop around to see what they are all about and besides, giveaways are just fun! 
 I hope you will take some time to hop around my blog : )

 And then go visit all the other blogs.....have some fun.

To enter my giveaway, please:

1.  Leave a comment telling about something or someplace that you have on your bucket list.
(My South African trip was on my bucket list  :)  

2.  If you follow my blog, please leave a comment telling me that you follow, and you will have two chances to win. 

3.   This giveaway is for quilters in the states and internationally.

Giveaway will close on Monday, September 3, 2012. 


This giveaway is closed.

Friday, August 24, 2012

show off friday~~~hexagons

Show Off Friday
Not much going on this week in the sewing room, but I always have some 
handwork around to keep me busy while I am watching TV.

Here is the box where I keep one of my hexagon projects handy.

I have no plans for these vintage fabric hexagons, for now, I am
just enjoying the process of EPP.

Now it is your turn to link up something~~~~ what do you have for

Show Off Friday

There are no rules for this link up party....this is just the place to show off projects you are working on!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

handkerchief dance

I promised to sprinkle a few of my experiences in South Africa in my blog posts.  Today I am going to tell you about some young girls that returned from several months living in the bush, without their families.  This is a tradition for the young girls when they are around 12 or 13 years old to learn about being a young woman in their village.
(The boys also go off by themselves, but not with the girls.)

We were visiting a Women's Craft Center, where the women of the village sell some of the beautiful things they have made with beads, wood, fabric, and paint.  Some of the women were there, sitting under the trees, working on their projects.  

The girls were there to celebrate their return from the bush by dancing.
I loved all the bright colors in their dance clothes.  Look at the feathers, beads,
embroidery, shells, and...handkerchiefs!

Oh my, they danced and blew whistles at the same time....they were
really making the dust fly : )  They danced off and on for at least 20 minutes.
(I didn't get a picture of the young woman who would beat a drum creating
the beat for the dance.)
It was beautiful.

I enjoyed seeing the joy in their faces and their dancing!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

little quilt monday~~~sashiko table topper

Little Quilt Monday

I finished the sashiko embroidery that I first showed here.

I chose some Kaffe Fasset fabric from my stash to border the
sashiko stitches.  I decided to make it off centered for a 
fresh, modern look.

The table topper measures 21 X 21 inches right now, but I am
considering adding another border to make it larger.

I don't plan to add any batting, so it will be more like a table cloth
than a quilt when I am finished.

Now it is your turn to link up something to

Little Quilt Monday

1.  This link-up party is for any small project.  For example, mini quilts, doll quilts, baby quilts, place mats, mug rugs, purses,
wall quilts, table runners, etc.

2.  They can be a WIP(work-in-progress) or finished.

3.  If it is something from the past there is no need to write a new blog post, just link the one that you have already written, and please link back to my blog post. 
 I have added
the code to my button if you would like to add that to your blog.

4.   If you are interested, you can add your pictures to my flickr group here, or join my Facebook group here. 

Let's inspire each other!


giveaway winners

I had two giveaways last week : )  One was for 6 batik fat quarters (Mondays post) and
 the other was for two books(Tuesdays post).

The winner of the fat quarters is LynCC. 
I have contacted LynCC by email to get her address information!


The winner of the two books is Margaret.
I have contacted Margaret by email to get her address information!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

show off friday~~~vintage linens

Show Off Friday

I am determined to finish some of my UFO/WIP that I have piling up in my sewing room.
One that I am fond of, but haven't known what to do with, is this vintage linen piece that I
framed with some Amy Butler fabric that is from her Gypsy Caravan line(the original).

I was inspired this week by Heather's quilt shown here on her blog called Crafting.
I love the way she off centered the postage stamp square in her quilt.  I think I will do that
with some of my UFO/WIP pieces.  I like the modern look it gives to a traditional design.

I plan to use Kona white or snow, but I may audition a few solid colors to make certain
that the white is the best choice.

Now it is your turn to link up something~~~~ what do you have for

Show Off Friday

There are no rules for this link up party....this is just the place to show off projects you are working on!


Monday, August 13, 2012

bowls with borders blog hop

Today is my day to show you the bowls that I made for the Bowls With Borders Blog Hop.
(The dates for this hop are August 13 through August 28.)

First of all, I want to thank Regina for making such a fun pattern and sharing it
with those of us who are participating in the blog hop.  You can buy her pattern here.

I also want to thank the organizers, Madame Samm from Sew WE Quilt
 and Carol from Just Let Me Quilt.

Here is the mini quilt that I made using Regina's pattern for paper piecing!
(Click on the pictures for a closer look.)

Chili Bowls
This mini measures 12 X 16 inches.  It was made with shot cotton and osnaburg
 cotton fabric, along with old buttons and crochet thread.

I added a little embroidery on the chili bowls in different colors and
then I hand stitched using the same threads.

I always enjoy seeing how the stitches look on the back,
 how about you?

Be sure to visit the other participants and see all their lovely bowl creations!

Here is a list for todays blog hop:

August 14

Pieceful Life(that's me, silly)

I have a little giveaway to thank you for visiting my blog.
All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment.

I enjoyed reading these books and now I would like to pass
 them on to one of you : )

This giveaway will end on Friday, August 17, at noon.
This giveaway has ended.  The winner is Margaret and she
has been contacted by email.


Linked up to Fabric Tuesday.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

little quilt monday~~~giveaway day

Little Quilt Monday

Well, after a wonderful visit to South Africa, I am back!
It was such a special place, I have so much I could tell you, but I know
that I better not try to tell you everything in one blog post : )

As you can tell by the photo above, we got to see the beautiful animals, and I took
many pictures that I will post from time to time on my blog.
I also gave some baby quilts to some special moms/babies.  
Here are a couple of them in the photos below:

I visited a school in one of the villages, and the children sang their South African
 national anthem for me.

I will tell you bits and pieces as I blog, but for now I want to
have a giveaway to show my appreciation to my followers.

OH, I do have a mini quilt to show you, but I am taking part in a blog hop called 
Bowls With Borders, and I am scheduled to show my mini tomorrow, so come
check out how I did with the paper piecing pattern tomorrow : )

Today I am going to have a giveaway to celebrate my return to blogging.
Although the fabric isn't from Africa, I found some batiks that remind me
of the colors that I saw in South Africa.  There are 6 fat quarters and this is
a giveaway for the followers of my blog~~~the giveaway will end on Friday at noon.
To enter, just leave me a comment.

This giveaway has ended.  The winner is LynCC and she
has been contacted by email.

Now it is your turn to link up something to

Little Quilt Monday

1.  This link-up party is for any small project.  For example, mini quilts, doll quilts, baby quilts, place mats, mug rugs, purses,
wall quilts, table runners, etc.

2.  They can be a WIP(work-in-progress) or finished.

3.  If it is something from the past there is no need to write a new blog post, just link the one that you have already written, and please link back to my blog post. 
 I have added
the code to my button if you would like to add that to your blog.

4.   If you are interested, you can add your pictures to my flickr group here, or join my Facebook group here. 

Let's inspire each other!
