
Friday, March 30, 2012

finished baby wheel quilt

I finished the baby wheel quilt!

I decided to use the gray Bella by Moda to accent the wheel of Flea Market Fancy by 
Denyse Schmidt for FreeSpirit/Westminster.  This was my final project for my

I machine quilted along the spokes of the wheel with gray thread using my walking foot attachment and it went long smoothly.

I added some hand stitching in the inner circle and also along the outer circle 
using yellow crochet thread.

The binding was one of the Flea Market Fancy seed stripes fabric.
This little quilt measures 41 X 41 inches.

 Click on pictures for a closer look

I like the crinkly look and feel of a quilt after it has been washed.  I do plan to make
more of these, and next time may add one more circle of hand stitching along the outer edge : )


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

wip~~~wheel quilt top

I decided on the Moda gray for the Wheel baby quilt top.  It is ready to machine quilt!

I am also making more bow tie blocks.  They are easy to make like I showed you here
 They are fun to choose fabric for, and just like the granny square blocks,  
I have squares cut, sitting by my machine ready to sew when I have the time : ) 

It is a beautiful day, so that makes it hard to stay inside and sew.  I am ready to start planting some flowers in my pots.   I will probably spend some time doing both.  I love Spring!


I am linking up to WIP Wednesday.

Monday, March 26, 2012

little quilt monday~~~sliced mat

Little Quilt Monday

I have another Curves Camp project to show you today.  In the advance curves improv class we had several project choices and I picked the sliced mat.  I had made a bath mat before, and I am really enjoying it, so I knew if I made another mat that it would be useful.

This time I made it thicker, like Rachel suggested, with batting and terrycloth.  I machine quilted with my walking foot at half inch intervals on the top and batting.  Then I put the terrycloth and top with right sides together and sewed around leaving an opening to turn.  I stitched around the edge to close the opening and to give it a finished look.

Now it is your turn to link up something to

Little Quilt Monday

1.  This link-up party is for any small project.  For example, mini quilts, doll quilts, baby quilts, place mats, mug rugs,
wall quilts, table runners, etc.

2.  They can be a WIP(work-in-progress) or finished.

3.  If it is something from the past there is no need to write a new blog post, just link the one that you have already written, and, please link back to my blog post.

4.   If you are interested, you can add your pictures to my flickr group here, or join my Facebook group here. 

Let's inspire each other!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

farmer's wife in your life tea towel

Friendship Star

I have made several quilt blocks from the book
The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt by Laurie Aaron Hird.

My sweet mother was a farmer's wife in Oklahoma.  Laurie's book is full of wonderful letters from farmer's wives telling their story about life on the farm, along with wonderful quilt blocks to make a Farmer's Wife Sampler quilt.  

I am using Summer House by Lily Ashbury for Moda to make my blocks. 

I decided to use one of my quilt blocks to decorate a simple tea towel for 

Click on the pictures for a closer view.

First I ironed the quarter inch seam allowance around the quilt block.
Then I machine stitched the block to the tea towel using some green thread.
I added hand stitching in bright green and blue crochet thread, and some white lace.

The Friendship Star is one of the first quilt blocks that I learned to make years ago.
I have more tea towels to play with, don't you think these would make cute gifts! 

Farmer's Wife in Your Life


I am linking up to Sew Modern Monday and Fabric Tuesday.

Friday, March 23, 2012

giveaway winner

The winner of my giveaway is  AJ  (an email has been sent to AJ)

AJ said...
Thanks for the chance to win! I was recently recommended Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

Thank you to everyone that entered my giveaway : )   Wow, I have enough book suggestions to keep me reading for quite a long time! 


bow tie quilt block tutorial

I decided to make a bow tie quilt block after posting my vintage bow tie quilt yesterday.  I used floral fabric scraps and Kona white.

I cut two 4.5 inch floral print squares and two 4.5 inch Kona white squares.  I added a 2.5 inch square at the corner of the Kona white and sewed on the diagonal line.

Cut off the excess fabric a quarter inch from stitching and iron flat.

Sew the 4 patch squares together to make the bow tie quilt block.(sewing with a quarter inch seam)

I made a few more and started playing with the layout.

These are fun and easy and a great way to use up scraps.
I am going to keep making bow tie blocks and see what happens : )

If this inspires you to make any bow tie blocks,  please link back to this post.  I would love to see them....let me know what you have made! 


Thursday, March 22, 2012

vintage quilt thursday~~~bow tie quilt

Vintage Quilt Thursday
Vintage~~~Characterized by excellence, maturity, and enduring appeal; classic.

This vintage bow tie quilt is in wonderful condition.  It has been hand quilted in a beautiful crosshatch on the bow ties and a pretty circular feather motif on the solid melon squares.

I used my new book to help me date the fabrics.  I believe these fabrics were from 1910-1935. 
 The bow tie quilt block was first made around 1898, so it would have been a common pattern by 1910. 

The blocks were hand pieced.  I love how they placed one of the blocks in a different direction.

This quilt has very few feminine fabrics, making it a perfect quilt for a guy!

By the looks of this quilt, I don't think it was ever used.  Oh, how I wish it had a label. 
I wouldn't be surprised if the blocks weren't made and forgotten, and someone found them and put them together with the melon squares years later. 

Well, now it is your turn to show us something vintage....there hasn't been much interest, so I will probably not have the link up party after today.  That is fine, I will still research and document my vintage quilts.....I'm having fun : )  I am also going to make a few bow tie blocks and I will show them tomorrow.

Vintage Quilt Thursday
 1. This link-up party is for any vintage quilted or sewing related item.
2.  If it is something that you have already blogged about, there is no need to write a new blog post,  just link to the one that you have already written.
3.  Please link back to my blog post.

My hope is as I do more research on my vintage quilts and quilted items, that I will gain more knowledge about the quilt patterns and fabrics of the past.    


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

wip~~~wheel baby quilt

I am making my last project for my Curves Camp class.  It is a Wheel quilt that will be about 40 inches square when finished.  I am auditioning different background fabrics to go with some Flea Market Fancy by Denyse Schmidt for FreeSpirit/Westminster.  It will be a baby quilt, but I don't have a baby in mind to give it to at the moment.

 Gray Bella by Moda

Egg blue Bella by Moda

Pink Bella by Moda

Kona Snow

Which one would you pick?
   I am leaning toward the gray, but I honestly think they all look pretty good : )   I look forward to hearing what you think I should do!


I am linking up to WIP Wednesday.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

little quilt monday~~~rainbow trail table runner

Little Quilt Monday

I finished my Rainbow Trail table runner!  It was one of my improv curve projects for Curves Camp.

I am very happy with the vivid colors.  I used charms from Kona classic and Kona dark.   The hand stitching was done with variegated crochet thread.

Click on the pictures for a closer view.

The backing is cotton osnaburg(I love how it looks like linen) and the binding is Wordplay by Michele O Amore by Bernatex.

The table runner measurements are 13 X 31 inches.

Now it is your turn to link up something to

Little Quilt Monday

1.  This link-up party is for any small project.  For example, mini quilts, doll quilts, baby quilts, place mats, mug rugs,
wall quilts, table runners, etc.

2.  They can be a WIP(work-in-progress) or finished.

3.  If it is something from the past there is no need to write a new blog post, just link the one that you have already written, and, please link back to my blog post.

4.   If you are interested, you can add your pictures to my flickr group here, or join my Facebook group here. 

Let's inspire each other!


Friday, March 16, 2012

blog hop party~~~giveaway

It is time for a Blog Hop Party and that means it is giveaway time!

I am giving away a charm pack of Pezzy Print by American Jane Patterns for Moda,

3 fat quarters of A Stitch In Color by Malka Dubrowsky for Moda,

and a book I have read and would like to pass along to you called
Alice's Tulips by Sandra Dallas.

Why a blog hop party giveaway?  It gives you a chance to visit both old and new to you blogs.  Then you hop around to see what they are all about and besides, giveaways are just fun!  I hope you will take some time to hop around my blog : ) 
 And then go visit all the other blogs.....have some fun.

To enter my giveaway, please:

1.  Leave a comment recommending a good book that I should read.  
2.  If you follow my blog, please leave a comment telling me that you follow, and you will have two chances to win. 
3.   This giveaway is for the states and internationally.

Giveaway will close on March 23. 


The winner below has been contacted.  

AJ said...
Thanks for the chance to win! I was recently recommended Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

This giveaway is now closed.