
Friday, March 30, 2012

finished baby wheel quilt

I finished the baby wheel quilt!

I decided to use the gray Bella by Moda to accent the wheel of Flea Market Fancy by 
Denyse Schmidt for FreeSpirit/Westminster.  This was my final project for my

I machine quilted along the spokes of the wheel with gray thread using my walking foot attachment and it went long smoothly.

I added some hand stitching in the inner circle and also along the outer circle 
using yellow crochet thread.

The binding was one of the Flea Market Fancy seed stripes fabric.
This little quilt measures 41 X 41 inches.

 Click on pictures for a closer look

I like the crinkly look and feel of a quilt after it has been washed.  I do plan to make
more of these, and next time may add one more circle of hand stitching along the outer edge : )



  1. Oh my goodness! I love that! It looks so drapey and snuggly! There isn't a baby (and mama) around that wouldn't love it forever. :)
    And the hand quilting really sets it off. Great job!

  2. Great finish, I love the way quilts feels post washing also. Very warm and welcoming

  3. it's a beautiful finish! nice curves! :) and i love the touch of hand stitching, too. great detail!

    thanks for linking up to finish it up Friday!

  4. So pretty! I have never hand stitched on a quilt (except the tags) but it adds such a nice touch. I might need to try that.

  5. That's a great design idea for a baby quilt! Beautiful finish!

  6. Great job on the finish! I love how the quilt looks! It's always funny how the picture makes it look small until it's put over something else =D

  7. Altogether lovely! Your version really makes the design shine!

  8. So beautiful Elizabeth - the curves look so smooth!
