
Friday, January 13, 2012

finished baby quilt

Woo Woo!  My first finish for the year is done.  I am so happy and now all I need to do is add a label and it will be ready to give as a gift for the baby shower on Sunday : )

I machine quilted straight lines and then I big stitched with the pink crochet thread.  I could have added more hand stitching, and use the other colors that I blogged about here, but I think it is pretty cute with just the pink.

It has been washed, so it has a crinkly, soft, cozy look that is perfect for a baby quilt.  I used pink binding and I didn't take a picture of the back, but it is the little flower fabric that I also used in squares on the front of the quilt.  I am happy with fabric that I found in my stash to make this little quilt.

What a good feeling to already have a finish in 2012!
I am linking up to Finish it Up Friday.



  1. Great baby quilt - Fantastic first finish!

  2. Very very cute. I love the colors!

  3. That is a very pretty baby quilt great job. I too finished a baby quilt this week and linked it up also.

  4. A lovely baby quilt! And I love the big stitching. I tried it on a project in December, but found it very hard on my hands. What kind of a needle did you use? And were you happy with the crochet thread?

  5. This is so pretty! I really like your extra touches on the big stitching, I need to remember to do that :)

  6. Such gorgeous colors! I love the big stitching too! Lovely finish! Congrats!

    xo -E

  7. Lovely! Cute and the pink color so match too..

  8. that is sew cute! One of my favorite color combinations. I received my charms on Saturday - thanks so much!!!! They're wonderful.
