
Saturday, August 16, 2014

virtual garden club

As I have mentioned before, one of my favorite things to do(besides quilting) is to work in my garden.
I feel like gardening is so good for the soul…digging in the dirt, breathing the fresh air,
hearing all the lovely outdoor sounds!  Well, I have joined a Virtual Garden Club and
thought some of you might be interested too : )

(I have added the VGC badge to the right, check it out!)

I started out my morning at a community garden close by my home.  It is always fun
to see what is happening there, and today there were 10 caterpillars on the fennel.

It is a great group of fellow gardeners, both old and new to gardening.  I found
it through the Urban Neighbors OKC Association.  It is fun to garden with
new friends, and I am unable to grow vegetables in my shady yard, so
I am blessed to have this community garden so close to my home!

Here are a few pictures that I have recently taken in my yard:

Purple Passion Flower Vine


Black Pearl pepper

Hope you had a chance to enjoy a little nature today : )



  1. Elizabeth, welcome to the club! I love your caterpillars. I wish I had more this year. Your blog title is also really cool.~~Dee
