
Friday, May 17, 2013

show off friday~~~to boston with love

Show Off Friday
I decided to make a few flags for a project that began with the 
Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild.

It is a fast, easy project that gave me a chance to send something
to Boston with love from Oklahoma.

If you are interested in sending a flag there is still a little time.
Send your flags to Amy and check her blog for details...
she needs the flags by May 21st.

Now it is your turn to link up something~~~~what do you have for

Show Off Friday

There are no rules for this link up party....this is just the place to show off
projects you are working on!



  1. Oh, your flags are so fun and colorful!

    I'm glad I have a little something to show off today! Thanks for the linky!

    xo -E
