
Friday, March 22, 2013

Show Off Friday~~~weaving

 Show Off Friday
I have wanted a loom for years.  After seeing Beth's blogpost about her loom and
seeing all the wonderful things that she has made,
I decided to take the plunge!

It is a cloudy day, so I am sorry for the dark picture.
But I am very happy with my first project and I know that it
is going to be great fun to use my fabric scraps this way : )

Now it is your turn to link up something~~~~what do you have for

Show Off Friday

There are no rules for this link up party....this is just the place to show off
projects you are working on!



  1. uhh fun I learned to weave on a huge loom in art school in Denmark, kind of miss it once in a while

  2. your first project!

  3. Love your table rug. How long did it take to make? Did you use ugly fabric like Beth did?

  4. Where did you get your loom at? Is your first project made with yarn or fsbric scraps? i love it.

  5. Where did you get your loom at? Is your first project made with yarn or fsbric scraps? i love it.

  6. Where did you get your loom at? Is your first project made with yarn or fsbric scraps? i love it.

  7. Where did you get your loom at? Is your first project made with yarn or fsbric scraps? i love it.

  8. I found you on Beth's blog. I have been enjoying her weaving and I too caught the bug.. My DH ordered one for me for my birthday and I can not wait for it to get here. I just hope I can figure out how to use it.
    Looks like you have it going pretty good.

  9. oh wow, weaving is something I've never tried. I always thought it would be time consuming?
