
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

quiltcon~~~5 things about me

I am so excited about going to QuiltCon next week!

The Modern Quilt Guild is hosting a Link party to give everyone going to QuiltCon a
chance to introduce themselves.  They have ask for a picture, and then we are to 
post five things about us..... so here goes : )

Here's a picture of me on my way out the door to have dinner celebrating
the 32nd Anniversary of the first date with my dear husband.(Feb 13th)

Five things about me:

1.  I have two dogs and one cat....two children and one husband.
2.  I live in a house that was built in 1905.
3.  I didn't enjoy hand quilting until I discovered big stitches with perle cotton.
4.  I am going to take a Master Gardeners class next year because I love
nature and gardening.
5.  My grandmother taught me to sew when I was a child.  I mainly sewed
clothing until I discovered quilting in 1995 when I joined a neighborhood group.

That's five things.....

Are you going to QuiltCon?  If you are, join the Link Party here.
Leave me a comment if you are going, I would love to meet you!


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