
Monday, January 7, 2013

little quilt monday~~~blast from the past

Little Quilt Monday

I have been working on an old WIP that will end up being such a warm, cozy throw
 that I am wondering why I haven't finished it sooner : )

It is recycled wool, from skirts, suits, and pants.  It was fun to buttonhole applique the
hearts  and then I lost interest.  Oh, sometimes I wonder why I lose interest and
 have so many unfinished projects....does this happen to you?

Well, I am going to get this finished.  I need some black flannel for the back and
then I am going to hand quilt or maybe just tie it...and then enjoy!

Now it is your turn to link up something to

Little Quilt Monday

1.  This link-up party is for any small project.  For example, mini quilts, doll quilts, baby quilts, place mats, mug rugs,
wall quilts, table runners, etc.

2.  They can be a WIP(work-in-progress) or finished.

3.  If it is something from the past there is no need to write a new blog post, just link the one that you have already written, and, please link back to my blog post.

4.   If you are interested, you can add your pictures to my flickr group here, or join my Facebook group here. 

Let's inspire each other!



  1. What a cool heart quilt. And you'll get it finished just in time for Valentine's season. :)

  2. I really like the combination of the recycled wool with the hand embroidered edges of the hearts.

  3. Oh! It's beautiful, and it does look warm and cozy! I can totally relate to the trouble with leaving a project almost finished for way, way too long! But then it's so satisfying to get it done! One of my new year's resolutions has to do with finishing an almost-done project like that!

  4. Yes. Losing interest is the story of my life. I used to have quilts that took me decades to complete. They were mainly hand sewn and hand quilted which was part of it, but I also just got bored.

  5. I love your wool quilt. Recycling is fantastic.

  6. forgot to say that I was visiting from Sew Darn Crafty link up
