
Friday, October 19, 2012

show off friday~~~1600 quilt

Show Off Friday

I couldn't stand it any longer and I brought my sewing machine to my new house and decided
to make a 1600 or Jelly Roll Race quilt.  We have sold the house(Happy Dance) so we can begin 
moving to the new house in a couple of weeks.  I have gotten so much, donating, although I haven't been sewing or blogging I have been a busy bee : )

However, yesterday I couldn't stand it any longer, and I had fun sewing the jelly roll
strips together like I sew on a binding strip.

Here is the pile almost ready to begin the race....I mean quilt : ).  Have you made one of these?
How long did it take you to make the quilt?  I will time my sewing and let you
know how long it takes me to make my jelly roll quilt

Now it is your turn to link up something~~~~ what do you have for

Show Off Friday

There are no rules for this link up party....this is just the place to show off
projects you are working on!



  1. I made a modifed one... I used 10 fat quarters and 2.5 yards of fabric (can't remember how wide I cut them, maybe 4")... Cut various lengths and used this process. It turned out great! It's now my go to quilt when I need a quick gift... I can churn one out in an afternoon, quilted and all, if I'm feeling motivated. I can't wait to see yours, Love the Central Park line :)

  2. Love the 1600 Quilt -- Attended a Kim Diehl Trunk show recently and the LQS that was hosting had done one in her fabrics -- it was beautiful -- quick and beautiful!

    Can't wait to see it done!


  3. A 1600 is on my someday list. Looking forward to seeing how long yours takes. I've seen videos where they do them in 30 minutes... I'm thinking mine will take (10 times) longer than that!

  4. I have made a couple of Jelly roll quilts! They are fun and they came out pretty. I loved them.

  5. I made 2 one with borders and one without quick and fun!

  6. Really its a abundant commodity so thanks.
    Kızlık zarı

  7. I miss your little quilt Mondays. Hope you are settling into your new home and your wonderful sewing room is becoming functional.

  8. Hi there I'm a new follower! Your quilts are so pretty!
