
Sunday, September 9, 2012

little quilt monday~~~number 44

Little Quilt Monday

Believe it or not, this is LQM number 44!  I really enjoy this linky party and I hope you do too : )

This week I have been working on getting my house ready to show.  I have been
in my sewing room, but it has been to straighten and organize and clean,
rather than sew.

It will probably be that way for a few more weeks, but I thought I would go ahead and
have the linky party for all of you to show your projects. 
 I am always inspired by all the projects you have made : )

Now it is your turn to link up something to

Little Quilt Monday

1.  This link-up party is for any small project.  For example, mini quilts, doll quilts, baby quilts, place mats, mug rugs,
wall quilts, table runners, etc.

2.  They can be a WIP(work-in-progress) or finished.

3.  If it is something from the past there is no need to write a new blog post, just link the one that you have already written, and, please link back to my blog post.

4.   If you are interested, you can add your pictures to my flickr group here, or join my Facebook group here. 

Let's inspire each other!


1 comment:

  1. Oooo are you planning on moving? Have you found a new house yet? =D
