
Thursday, June 28, 2012

show off friday~~~shoo fly mini

Show Off Friday
I had some 3.5 inch Shoo Fly quilt blocks in my UFO pile that I decided would make
 a cute little mini quilt.
As you can tell by the fabric, they were made in the 90's.  I added two rows
of sashing and now it is ready for some hand stitching.

It is about 9.5 X 9.5 inches and will be just the right size to send
to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative.  It's country look once again
reminds me of my step-father, the farmer : )

I have also started my hand stitching on the PP mini quilt.

Now it is your turn to link up something~~~~ what do you have for

Show Off Friday

There are no rules for this link up party....this is just the place to show off projects you are working on!



  1. I love when UFOs finally become something. Cute little mini! Your hand stitching is so nice, I like how the dark thread stands out against the light background. One of these days I'll get brave and try hand stitching... I hope. Thanks for the linky party and have a great weekend!

  2. nicely done hand-stitching! really adds a special touch.

  3. A precious little quilt. I like those traditional pattern. Congrats on your finish.

  4. Such a cute mini! How many have you made so far? =D

  5. Have I told you how much I love your header? Every time I see it, I smile!

  6. Have I told you how much I love your header? Every time I see it, I smile!

  7. Have I told you how much I love your header? Every time I see it, I smile!
