
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

wip~~~lavender squares

I will be making a few small gifts before my daughter's wedding in July.  I saw this idea at The Purl Bee and knew that I would have to make these for her friends.  Yes, sachets are a bit old fashion, but they are a wonderful way to keep your linen drawers and clothes smelling fresh,
 and they even keep the moths and bugs away : )

All that you need to get started is some lavender(I found it at Hobby Lobby),  5 inch charm squares of a print fabric and linen, and crochet thread.

Iron about 1/4 inch on one side of the print and linen and then sew 1/4 inch around the other three sides.

 Turn and then add your lavender loosely, it isn't packed tight like a pin cushion!

Sew the opening closed and enjoy the wonderful smell while you are sewing.

I didn't like the way they looked with the machine stitching, so I added some hand stitching and I think it gave them an Anthropologie look : )

I have more to make.  They smell so wonderful, I think I may have to make some for myself.  It would be great to have them in my fabric stash so I could smell this fresh fragrance every time I walked in my sewing room......ahhhh.


I am linking up to WIP Wednesday, Fabric Tuesday, and Whoop Whoop Friday.


  1. What a cute idea! I need to make some of these

  2. You might want to check with your daughter to make sure none of her friends are allergic to fragrances.

  3. I don't think they are old fashioned. I think they are wonderful. I think it's a great gift!

  4. They are so cute!
    I use things like that as fabric I order always comes smelling a little musty =D

  5. nice little project - fun to do a something different for a change...

  6. These are beautiful.....and oh so easy! Thanks for the pics!

  7. I can smell them from here :-)

    What a sweet idea. I think the stitching you added is beautiful, great idea to do that!

  8. I need to do this!!! I have tons of lavendar sitting around in a drawer in a ziploc. My Mother-in-Law grows lavendar on her farm and I can get it by the truckload if I wanted to. Let me know if you ever want/need any! :)


  9. Simply LOVELY! I especially love your hand stitching!

  10. I love sachets, even if they are a little bit old fashioned - maybe we can make them make a comeback! Whoop whoop!!!
