
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

wip~~~baby quilts

My family's life is getting ready to be in a whirlwind of excitement.  My son is moving in the next few weeks, and my daughter graduates in May, gets married in July, and that means parties in June!  After the wedding, my husband and I will be going to South Africa to spend some time working in some villages with one of our friend's foundations, and we
will also be visiting a game reserve : )

I am making baby quilts to take to the villages.  I don't have a specific number in mind so there is no pressure.  I think they will be easy to carry on, or I can take them in a suitcase and instead of returning with an empty suitcase, I can bring home some South African goodies!  Either way, I hope my baby quilts will bring joy to a few moms while I am there.

I have several ready to machine quilt.  Yes, I do love to hand stitch but I am so slow, I think it is best to machine quilt these baby quilts.  I can always add a little hand stitching later.

These two little quilts are simply rectangle coins or bricks.  I love the scrappy look.

I have to make a trip to my LQS for some 505 basting spray.  I wonder what else I will find while I am there.....


I am linking up to WIP Wednesday.


  1. What a great idea, those are some lucky Moms! I am pregnant right now and all baby quilts make me gush -must be the hormones! :) Sounds like you have some months of excitement ahead of you, congratulations on all fronts!

  2. What a nice project, probably best if you do machine quilt the baby quilts as they will be heavily used. Early congratulations to your daughter.

  3. Well it seems like you will be very busy in the coming months. Congrats to your daughter.

    I love those baby quilts. I am sure they will be greatly appreciated. South Africa sounds like a lot of fun, I hope you will take and post pics.

  4. Such a lovely idea to take some quilts with you! Love those coin quilts =D

  5. Busy times coming up! Congrats to your family on all the excitement. I LOVE your idea of taking quilts on your trip to Africa! Perfect idea!

  6. wow - lots going on and all of it exciting! Good for you!
