
Thursday, May 24, 2012

show off friday~~~ new wave

Show Off Friday

I am going to make a New Wave Quilt, using Elizabeth Hartman's pattern.

 I have chosen fabric from my stash, of course : )

I am having a hard time keeping the waves straight, so I decided to make a
 mini quilt to figure out how to keep the waves in line.  And, you know I do like to make mini quilts!

I have an Accuquilt Go!Baby, so I cut some tumbler blocks that mimic the waves and 
this is what I came up with:

These small tumbler blocks are easier to keep straight because the edges are trimmed.   This helps you sew them together without any problems.  Now I need to figure out a way to trim the edges of the larger pieces for the wave quilt, so I can easily sew the edges in a straight line.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Now it is your turn to link up something~~~~ what do you have for

Show Off Friday

There are no rules for this link up party....this is just the place to show off projects you are working on!



  1. I so want to make one of those quilts but I was wondering the same thing, how do you keep them straight. You can trace one of the your accuquilt tumblers on paper, card board or template plastic, then line up on your other blocks and cut that little notch as long as the angles are the same you should be good. If the angles are different, I have no idea, but I'll be watching to see what people say :)

  2. Those pastel fabrics are great!!! I have no recommendations for ya though. Good luck!

  3. I have the same problem with not being able to keep them straight. I'm hoping someone will have a wonderful idea to share!

  4. Judy Martin, one of my favorite quilt book authors, devised the perfect tool to help. It's called the Point Trimmer, and you can purchase it from her online at

  5. Great quilt pattern! Sometimes mini is easier and better. I can't help with suggestions sorry. =D

    I'm hosting a new swap over at my blog if anyone is interested please pop over for a look =D

  6. I do t have any suggestions but the mini looks great and u so love the fabrics you are using for the next one! What are they?

  7. hmmm...I wish you would get some helpful comments. I've been wanting to try that pattern, but didn't even think ahead yet to the difficulty of piecing it! I love your mini!

  8. Hi Elizabeth...just stopping by to let you know you won my Sew Mama Sew charm pack giveaway. Please e-mail me back with your mailing address!


  9. Oh I love your fabric for your New Wave quilt! I made the twin size of that pattern and I didn't have a problem with the waves getting off track or not being straight when I trimmed the odd ends from the in-between fabric. Is that what you mean by keeping them straight?
