
Monday, May 14, 2012

little quilt monday~~~mother's day

Little Quilt Monday

I didn't get much sewing done this week, because I have been having some wonderful family time!

First, we celebrated my daughter's graduation.  She got her Doctor in Physical Therapy degree
 from OUHSC and we are so proud of her.
Jason, Mary, me and Tom

And then of course we celebrated Mother's Day : )

We had lunch with my MIL on Saturday.

After church on Sunday, we relaxed by the pool.  Later we cooked out.

It was a fun day with my family.  I am very blessed.

 I hope some of you will have little projects that will inspire us!

Now it is your turn to link up something to

Little Quilt Monday

1.  This link-up party is for any small project.  For example, mini quilts, doll quilts, baby quilts, place mats, mug rugs,
wall quilts, table runners, etc.

2.  They can be a WIP(work-in-progress) or finished.

3.  If it is something from the past there is no need to write a new blog post, just link the one that you have already written, and, please link back to my blog post.

4.   If you are interested, you can add your pictures to my flickr group here, or join my Facebook group here. 

Let's inspire each other!




  1. Looks like a perfect Mother's Day! And congrats to your daughter! Well done!

  2. Great sounding Mother's day! Congratulations to your daughter! =D

  3. Congrats to your daughter! :) What a great accomplishment. We were thinking about you at our meeting. Glad you had a relaxing Mother's Day too. You're always so deserve it!


  4. Looks like such a lovely way to spend Mothers Day!
