
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

wip~~~hand stitching rainbow trail

I have almost finished hand stitching my table runner called Rainbow Trail.  It is one of the projects from Curves Camp(Rachel called this project Rainbow Road).  I don't usually name my quilts, do you?  I guess I am not very creative when it comes to giving my quilts names : )

I am using variegated crochet thread with my hand stitching.

It is coming along and I am almost finished.  Now to decide what fabric to use for my binding.

It is so colorful!  I wish I was good at naming quilts....maybe I will start giving them names of songs from my youth.


I am linking this post to WIP Wednesday.


  1. The way you took the pictures makes me think of how waves roll. Maybe "Rolling Rainbow"!

  2. It looks really awesome! The peeks of the quilt that we can see here, as well as the hand stitching.

    I'm not a quilt namer either. Also not a quilt labeler so far...oops!

  3. OK, that's just super cool. :) Yeah, I name all my quilts. But then, the only time I make one smaller than about 55" is for a special baby gift, so everything's significant.

  4. Love how bright and colourful this is and your handstitching in the variegated thread really makes it unique!

  5. This is lovely! I really need to get started on some of my curves class projects - love the hand stitching :o)
