
Thursday, March 15, 2012

vintage quilt thursday~~~dating fabric

Vintage Quilt Thursday

I am so happy that my dating fabric book arrived!  I haven't had time to use it yet, so hopefully by next week I will have a chance to research one of my vintage quilts.  

It is going to be easy to use, and thumbing through it, I have already seen some fabrics that look familiar.

As I said when I began this Thursday link up,  I am doing this as a learning experience for me.  I want to research the patterns and fabrics of my vintage quilts.  I wish they had labels, but since they don't, I will try to figure out their age and at the same time, learn something new!

Now it is your turn to link up something to

Vintage Quilt Thursday

1. This link-up party is for any vintage quilted or sewing related item.
2.  If it is something that you have already blogged about, there is no need to write a new blog post,  just link to the one that you have already written.
3.  Please link back to my blog post.



  1. When I fist saw the book I thought dating fabric....WHAT....then read on and thought ah it makes sense now =D

  2. This book is a total life saver! I work in a museum, and we use it constantly to help us pinpoint when a quilt was made...
