
Friday, March 2, 2012

tangerine tango challenge~~~wonky hexagon mini quilt

I took the Tangerine Tango Challenge and entered a little mini quilt.  There are some wonderful entries in both the Quilts Challenge and the Minis Challenge.   

The rules allowed one other fabric color besides tangerine tango, and I chose fuchsia pink.  It is a very bright and bold combination.

I hand stitched with  bright pink crochet thread and used a scrappy binding.

The Wonky Hexagon mini quilt finished at 9" x 9". 

I recommend that you go and see all the other entries in the Tangerine Tango Challenge!
You will be inspired. 


March Finishes


  1. You're not kidding those colours really are eye catching. My eyes will never be the same again =P

  2. Your colors worked well together, like the block.

  3. I like it. I'm not sure I'd want an entire quilt from those colors, but they do work very well together.

  4. Love that vibrant shade of pink with the orange - and this is such a wonderful design!

  5. That is beautiful! I love the colors! And as always, your stitching adds just the right touch. Congrats on a great finish and thank you for linking up!

    xo -E
