
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

wip~~~table runners

I have two table runners in the works.  One is an improv project from my curves class with Rachel at Stitched in Color, and the other is using my turning charms on point method.

The runner from Curves Camp is made with two charm packs of Kona.  I still have plenty of strips left over for another project.  The colors are very bright and cheery.  Rachel calls this project Rainbow Road.  The improv curves have turned out to be lots of fun, but it is a bit scary to make that first curvy cut : )

Click on the pictures for a better view.

The other table runner is made from a charm pack of  A Stitch in Color by Malka Dubrawsky for Moda.
I am using my method of turning charms on point.   It is also a very bright, happy project.   I am ready for Spring!

I haven't decided if I am going to add a border to either one of these, or just sandwich, hand stitch and bind.  These will be perfect to use when Spring and Summer arrive, so I better get them finished soon.


I am linking up to WIP Wednesday.


  1. I love both of your table runners! A Stitch in Color fabrics make me so happy!

  2. Your curves project is looking amazing. How brave of you!!

  3. both runners are so cheerful & happy looking :)

  4. Love both of these runners Elizabeth - they are both so bright and colourful!
