
Friday, February 24, 2012

drunkard's path potholders

I made two potholder's this week for my curves class project.  I am really enjoying learning to sew curves.  The Drunkard's Path quilt block is one that I have always wanted to make.   I let the thought of sewing curves keep me from trying to make it until now : )

Click on the pictures for a closer look.

These were both made with Insul-Bright batting.  This was much thicker than the normal cotton batting that I usually use.   I decided to machine quilt them, and I am happy with how they turned out. 

The backing fabric is white linen.  I like the softness that they give to the potholders, and I also like the way the machine quilting shows up.  Yep, this was a fun project.


I have linked up to Can I Get A Whoop-Whoop


  1. These are so cute! Great jobs on the curves - they still terrify me!

  2. these are really cute. I use both insulbright and regular batting inside potholder, yeah kind of a bear to quilt, but I do it :-)
    Now go do a large quilt with drunkards path blocks!! lol

  3. A+ on your curves! :)
    I love them & it's such a
    nice way to learn & use the block...will the bigger quilt be in these pretty colors?

  4. They're fantastic! Great job! I haven't attempted curves yet, but starting with potholders is a great idea... :o)

  5. They turned out great, Elizabeth! :)


  6. Those are SO pretty! I love the colors, especially the polka-dots on the one on the right. And I really like the quilting! Beautiful job! Oh, and good tip on the insul-bright. I'm going to see if I can find some for a potholder I want to make for my sister.

    xo -E

  7. I love these! My sister bought me some drunkard's path templates, but I'm too afraid to try them out!
