
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

stitching along

I am hand stitching my 4 hearts mini quilt and it is going well.   Except for a sore thumb....I am now wearing a thimble on my thumb and that is helping so much!

Do you wear a thimble?    I guess I will be wearing one for a while, anyway.....

I am planning to have this mini quilt finished by Friday : )
I am linking up to Fabric Tuesday and WIP Wednesday.



  1. ve to wear a thimble on my 'pushng' finger because I get holes in my finger from the back side of the needle. ouch!

  2. I don't wear a thimble ever but have stabbed my self a million times. And only been doing this a month. Sigh.


  3. Your hearts look so festive. Sorry about the sore thumb; yes, I have always worn a thimble. Can't remember when I started but in my clothes sewing days, I guess.

  4. I love how it is coming out! The stitches are so pretty!

    I wear a thimble, but on on my thumb, on my middle finger. Until recently I didn't but I have started using smaller needles, the back end of which poke through my finger when I am trying to sew through lots of layers. It's made a sore spot, so I wear a thimble but I don't like it very much. I don't have as much control.

    xo -E

  5. LOVE! The stitching is wonderful, and the hearts look even better now! Thimbles? I wear a metal thimble on my middle finger for all my handsewing (even English Paper Piecing and Yo-Yos) to push the needle through. I find it essential. When I need to, I sometimes put a leather thimble on my thumb ... just sometimes.
