
Friday, December 9, 2011

blog hop party

I am joining the Quilter's Blog Hop Party hosted by The Quilting Gallery.  Each blog is having a giveaway, so be sure to join in the fun and visit all the other participating quilting blogs!

I am giving away a mug rug made by me, and a charm pack from Moda called Curio by Basicgrey.

To enter, please leave one comment telling me how long you have been sewing/quilting : )
This giveaway is for US residents only.   While you are here, why not take a look around my blog.  I host a link up party called Little Quilt Monday each week and would be happy to see your projects linked up.   I invite you to follow my blog, but that is not a requirement for this giveaway that ends at noon CST on Saturday, December 17th.


This giveaway is closed.

Judith is the winner : )  She has been contacted....

I've been sewing since I was eleven when my Dad taught me how. He was an engineer and said, "how hard can it be?" so we tackled it and I sewed all of my own clothes thru high school and even some in my working life. I am now disabled and have been quilting for the last five years. Quilting has literally saved my life.


  1. I've been sewing about 2 years. the mug rug is super cute! :D

  2. I've been quilting for 2 years. That Curio looks beautiful!!

  3. I've been quilting 5 years, and been following your blog on my google reader for about 5 months. You always have such pretty things. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I've been sewing since I was little, probably 10ish, and have only been quilting for a year or so!

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  5. Hi Elizabeth. Love the giveaway. I've been quilting for about 25 years. Love everything about it.

  6. I've been sewing for about 45 years but have only been quilting for 9 years. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway! Darling mug rug :)

  7. I started in 1994; but, took a hiatus when I returned to college around 2001 and restarted it back up about two years ago.

  8. I've been sewing for about 5 years and I'm trying everything. I've been reading your blog in Google Reader for awhile now, thanks for all the great info.

  9. I have been quilting since I retired - 7 years. I think Curio is very interesting & your mug rug would be welcome - believe it or not I don't own one! Great giveaway - thanks for the chance to win.

  10. What a wonderful mug rug. I have yet to make myself one....but the ladies in my quilt guild talk about them often so I need to get on the ball. I have been quilting since April 2011

  11. I've been quilting for 4 years now.

  12. I have been sewing for over 40 years, but quilting for only about 20 years. I am self taught, but this blogging community keeps me inspired to learn and try more all the time.

  13. my mom taught me the basics of sewing when i was a kid, but i've been really sewing and quilting for a year.

  14. I started sewing in elementary school but took a break when I had the first few kids, I've been back at it seriously for about 7 years.

  15. I've been quilting since '97. So that would make it almost 15 years.

  16. I have been quilting for 19 years since my third child was born. I love your idea of little quilt monday that I'm now a follower of your blog! I think it'll be good practice for my hand quilting. Thanks for the inspiration and chance of a win of your give away! Love Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Israel as well. I discovered his CD's in Hawaii several years ago!

  17. Hello! I have only been quilting for 2 years but loving it! I mostly do quilting for the Quilts for Kids program out of Fairless Hills, PA.
    Happy Holidays to all! And to all a quilt night!

  18. I have been quilting for about 7 years but online quilting like crazy for a year and a half :)

  19. I have been sewing since I was 10, so 50 years! Making quilts for 30. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Love your giveaway! I've been sewing about 3 1/2 years.

  21. I love being able to discover other people's blogs. Thanks Quilting Gallery! I'll be looking around your blog for sure. I've been quilting for about 30 years but stopped for a while in the middle and began again seriously last year. I'm giving away a mug rug too and some 5" squares. Come visit me too!

  22. I've only been sewing for year and a half. Love your mug rug!

  23. I've been actively sewing for a year!

  24. Won't be able to win this giveaway, since I'm from Canada, but have been sewing since I was 10 I think, and quilting for about 5-10 years now.

  25. I have been seriously quilting for the past 4 years. I did make a couple quilts prior to that but ended up finishing them up within the past 4 years. I would love get involved with your Mini Monday, But at the moment I have too many things going on. I am going to follow you for future reference.

  26. would love a win - I have been quilting for somewhere between 25 and 30 years - sewing for 45 years at least.

  27. Thanks for the chance to win! I have been sewing for 41 years. I started making quilts 30 years ago!

  28. I've been handsewing since I was 7. I've used a machine since I was 17.

  29. I've been sewing for 34 years. WOW! Was 7 th grade that long ago? I've been quilting 22 years, it's sew much fun. ;->

  30. Well I learned to sew as a child - let's just say 50+ yrs - ouch. But only have been quilting for 4 yrs.

  31. I just started quilting this year (seriously). I used to sew a lot of my own clothes when I was a teen. But now that I'm a stay-at-home mom, I have time to quilt. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  32. I've been sewing since I was in school, but learned to quilt a little over 7 yrs ago while pregnant with my daughter, I remember telling the teacher after she asked if we'd get into it and quilt some more, I replied No I don't think so.... boy was I wrong! I quilt all the time and long arm quilt as my business.

  33. I have been sewing since I was in elementary school, but only quilting about 10 years.

  34. I've been sewing since I was about 5. My grandmother taught me and I thank her every day that she did.

  35. thanks for a chance, really cute stuff. ive been sewing since i was 14...20+ years ago.

  36. Thanks for the chance :) I have been sewing for 20 years and quilting for 10.

  37. I've been quilting for a year but sewing for 42 years. Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas

  38. I started sewing when I was about 4, and got my first machine at 6. I took my first quilting class 23 years ago. I love sewing clothes and costumes, but love quilting more.

  39. I've been quilting for 5 years, but I've been sewing for over 50 year. Thanks for the chance to win.

  40. I've been sewing for about 10 years now and 7 of that has been quilting.

  41. OMGoodness, I've been sewing forever it seems like. Let's see, handwork for about 45 years, machine sewing about that long and quilting for about 15 years. Love ALL of it!

    Your mug rug is adorable. Thank you for the chance to win!

  42. I guess by now it is about 3 1/2 yrs that I have been quilting, I don't think I will ever stop learning I find new things to try on the blogs every day! I have made mug rugs for others but as yet have not done one for myself. Thanks for the chance to win!

  43. I'm 57 and started sewing when I was 14!!! I'm too sleepy to do the math!

  44. Great giveaways. I've been quilting for over 20 yrs.
    Nice blog too.

  45. I have been quilting for about 11 yrs. now.
    I am so glad I found your blogspot, it is very interesting.
    Thanks for the giveaway too.

  46. Love your blog! I have been sewing for over 50 yrs and piecing/quilting for over 20 yrs.

  47. I started quilting in the early 90's so it is about 20 years now. Can't imagine life without quilting.

  48. I have been sewing most of my life, but have only been doing serious quilting for about 3 years.


  49. Been sewing on and off since for 30 years. Quilting for just a last four.

  50. Oh gosh....I started sewing when I was four and have been sewing for sixty years. I love it.

  51. New follower here! :-) I have been sewing and quilting since I was pretty young-- I can remember making clothes for my dolls.. such fun! But as for *real* quilting, I've only been doing that for a couple years now... It's a wonderful hobby that has introduced me to so many new and wonderful friends! Quilters are the nicest people! :-) Thank you for your giveaway!

  52. I started sewing 40 years ago! Thank so much for the giveaway

  53. 18 years. Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  54. I began sewing at six, but then as time went by I didn't pick it up again until, junior high, and then again the clock ticked by, I began quilting in 1995. I haven't stopped since. Although this year has slipped by quit quickly as I have been home-schooling my grand-daughter.

  55. I thought it to be interesting that I am 121 follower and I love Psalm 121. Have a Merry Christmas and thank you for the chance to win.

  56. I started sewing about 47 years ago and quilting about 40 years ago, thanks for the great giveaway!

  57. Sewing over 50 years. Tying quilts- 40 years, piecing, FMQ, really getting into the quilting scene--- in the last 2 years and I'm loving it. Wish I'd started so much younger but oh, this is fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

  58. I started quilting about 30 years ago but have just gotten back to it again for the last 5 years. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  59. I've been sewing for over 50 years and quilting for about 9 or 10.

  60. I've been quilting for about 25 years. Still learning everyday and having more fun with it than ever.

  61. I've been sewing for (good grief) nearly three decades! My mom started me sewing pretty young, though! Quilting has been a slightly more recent development, since I started quilting about a dozen years ago.

  62. Hello! Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm a new follower! I've been sewing since I was 15 and quilting since August. Happy Holidays! :)

  63. I've been sewing for six years.

  64. I guess you can say that I've been quilting for 1 1/2 years, but due to my mother passing away, I just started back up after almost a year away from it.

  65. I have been quilting now for about 10 years but I have been sewing on a machine since I was 8. Thnaks for sharing

  66. I've been sewing/quilting for the past 20 years! WOW! I learned to quilt at my first job - I worked for a large fabric chain store.

  67. I have been quilting for 20+ years, my first quilt was made for my grandparents and now graces my Christmas tree as the tree skirt.

  68. I've been sewing since I was about six (so that makes it about 49 years). I've been quilting only a couple of years now. Still have not got the actually quilting down to good yet. LOL

  69. I have been sewing about 3 years. I taught myself using books and blogs. I love it, it is my creative outlet and sanity saver :)

  70. I've been quilting for about the last 14 years, wow has it really been that long??? Where has the time gone :)

  71. I have been sewing and doing other needle work for over 40 years. I have really started learning about quilting this past year and a half. I will be back to visit as I am a new follower.

  72. I've been sewing for about 30 years on and off.

  73. I have been quilting for almost two years

  74. I have been sewing for lets just say many many years... as for quilting,,, years ago I made a few and tied them, after that I let my Mom make my quilts, until she got sick and I went to take care of her, we made our first and only quilt together.. Now I work in her honor making quilts for a charity group... plus my family and friends also benefit as they have recieved quilts too.

  75. Love the charm pack. I've been sewing since I was 10 and I will just say that is more than 50 years. I have only been a serious quilter for about 10 years.

  76. I'een sewing since I was 5 or 6, although threading needles came a bit later!

  77. I've been making quilts off and on for 20 years. Love your charm packs. Thanks. Quilted blessings, Nita

  78. We won't discuss number of years LOL My (step) mom taught me how to use a needle and then her machine at the age of 9. I've never stopped! God rest her. Creative Blessings and Merry Christmas!

  79. I started sewing in highschool, and made my grad dress and my bridesmaid's dresses, but that was a long....time ago. I started quilting this year and have finished 3 quilts and I love it! Thanks

  80. I've been quilting for 11 years. Started sewing in high school. Also knit and lots of other stuff.

  81. I've been quilting since July of 2010 and am absolutely addicted! Here's hoping I win, thank you!

  82. I have been sewing for 30 years, but only quilting for 1 month and 8 days.
    Thank you for your generosity.

  83. I have been sewing for 3 years and quilting for about 1. Love the mug rug!


  84. I started sewing/quilting about 12 years ago, but took a long break and have only being back to quilting for about 2 years.

  85. I started sewing, crochet and quilting when I was 9. I've been sewing professionally for the last 30 years and quilting in my spare time. I have recently started quilting more. So for the years let's just say 50 is getting closer by the day

  86. I started sewing about a year ago.

  87. Hi, Happy Holiday to You and Yours, I started sewing on a regular basses about 5 years ago after I had to stop working. My grand mother taufgt me when I was 8. Thank you for the giveaway.

  88. I have been sewing for, well, since high school- 20 some years ago. I have been quilting for about a year now. I love it!

  89. Sewing since 8th grade and quilting since 1998! Thanks for the chance!

  90. My grandmother taught me how to sew/quilt when I was around 12, and I've gotten back into it in recent years. Thanks for the giveaway!
    kessilari (at) gmail (dot)com

  91. I have been sewing since 7th grade and quilting for about 25 years. I have enjoyed visiting your blog.

  92. I've sewn for 33 years, quilting, probably 15. I quilted years ago, and resumed quilting a couple of years ago. But have always sewn.

  93. I've been sewing since I was eleven when my Dad taught me how. He was an engineer and said, "how hard can it be?" so we tackled it and I sewed all of my own clothes thru high school and even some in my working life. I am now disabled and have been quilting for the last five years. Quilting has literally saved my life.

  94. I've been sewing for 5 years. I love mug rugs!

  95. I quilter for a couple of years, but then stopped because of time and space constraints. I am ready to dive back in full force now!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  96. I have been sewing, knitting, quilting, and other crafts since the early 70's. Give me Jesus, too!

  97. I've been quilting on and off for about 25 years. Now that my children are all graduated I can spend a little more time in the sewing room :-) Thanks for the giveaway.

  98. I've been sewing for more than 45 years....did mostly clothing and things like curtains for years until about 6 years ago I got into quilting and now that is the type of sewing I do all the time! Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  99. I have been sewing for over 40 years. Quilting for about 30 years. Great way to use my creative side!

  100. I am sewing since I am 10 years old. This is now nearly 30 years ago. And i started quilting 5 years ago.
    Thanks for the chance to win

  101. My first quilt (a very simple charm quilt) I made when I was sixteen! I made a few more quilts and then life/family 'got in the way' and didn't pick it up again till last child was out of the house! So only picked it up again with a passion ten years ago!
    Love the charm pack and mug! Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway!

  102. I didn't sew until I was out of college (25 years now), & my mother slipped in her old machine in the moving van; I moved cross-country. It's curious to me that neither my mother or grandmother ever let me sew with their machines. My mother says it was because my grandmother was so frustrated with my mothers attempts as a child. I would have loved to share this passion with them. I have been quilting about 7 years. Thanks for your offer.

  103. I've been sewing since I was about 8 years old; over a half of a century ago! Yikes!

  104. I've been sewing for 44 years! Oh that sounds so scary! I was 12 when my Mom had me take a class at Singer. Best investment she evermade! Thanks for the chance.

  105. I learned to embroider when I was about 5 or 6 thanks to my wonderful Grandmother. Everything else sort of sprang out of a love for that. Goodness, that means I've been sewing for 35 almost years!

  106. Off and on for over 30 years. But now - with the rotary cutters and the internet - I am able to learn so much more.
    It really is a small world isn't it?
    Thank you for the chance to win :)
    I hope you and yours have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
    remember the reason for the season.
    Cathy Byrd

  107. I just started quilting in August, so I am very new to this art form! However, I am hooked! I just wish I had more time to drool over fabric and stitch together good things for others.

    Thanks so much for this opportunity to win this giveaway of goodies and have a wonderful weekend!


  108. I am a very new quilter. I made a little wallhanging last winter/spring. It is just the last few months that i have gotten serious about it and I love it. Thank you for the chance to win!

  109. I have been holding a needle since I was big enough to do so...quilting since I was 15 and we want talk about how many years ago that was. THank you for being so generous. Happy Holidays.

  110. i LOVE mug rugs! But I use them for chocolate milk instead of coffee. :) And I love anything by Basic Grey. thanks so much for the chance.

  111. Oops, please don't count this as a duplicate comment, but I forgot to say that I've been sewing for 4 years.

  112. I think I've been at this quilting thing for about 12-15 years--although had a few years of relative non-activity in there while working mad hourz and raising little bitty ones. Back at it with a passion for the last five years! Thanks so much for the opportunity.

  113. I've been sewing since I was about 12 years old, so that's about 50 years. My first sewing machine was an old treadle that my Great Aunt gave me; now I have a beautiful Jenome which I enjoy very much.
    Thanks for a chance to win.

  114. Let's see I started when I was 5 and I'm not 34, so 29 years :-)

    Thank you for the chance to win!


    Kelly (at) mysimplewalk (dot) com
