
Friday, December 30, 2011

last half of 2011

Here are a few of the projects that I finished in the last half of 2011:

Here are a couple more quilt tops that I hope to quilt in 2012.

Here are the mini quilts that I have started making to try new techniques and colors.   I started the Little Quilt Monday link-up party in October  2011 to be a weekly place for inspiration : )

This was a fun project using a bit of embroidery.  I imagine there will be more pincushions made in 2012.

I had more swap blocks and little projects in the last half of 2011, but these were my favorites.  I look forward to 2012 and plan to finish the quilt tops that I have ready for quilting and, of course,  making many more mini/little quilts!


Thursday, December 29, 2011

a look back at 2011~~~first half

Here are a few of the projects that I worked on in the first half of 2011:

These two projects were part of the Be Mine blog tour hosted by Spun Sugar blog.

These two projects were my start with embroidery.

These five little mug rugs were so much fun, and I also began using big stitch quilting on some of them!

This is my finished postage stamp top that I hope to quilt in 2012 : )  This was part of a quilt along with Rachel at PS i quilt blog.

I also began the Farmer's Wife quilt along and participated in a few swaps.  But these were some of the finishes for the first half of 2011!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

more baking

I am not spending time sewing, but I am still baking : )  My blog will be quieter than usual as I spend time with last minute details preparing for family this Christmas.  These pressed cookies are supposed to look like trees.

The recipe for these spritz cookies is so easy....

1 C shortening
3/4 C sugar
1 egg
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon almond extract
2 C all-purpose flour
green food coloring(for Christmas trees)

Cream shortening and sugar.  Add egg, dry ingredients, flavoring and then a few drops of food coloring.
Mix well.  Now using your cookie press form cookies.  Add sprinkles if you would like.  Bake 10-12 minutes at 375 degrees(preheated oven).

These taste great with a cup of coffee!

I so hope to have a new mini quilt to start the New Year off on Little Quilt Monday
Remember,  Little Quilt Monday will start again on January 2, 2012.

Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

candy cane cookies

Today I am baking spritz cookies and wrapping gifts.   I made candy cane cookies on Sunday afternoon.  They are a family tradition and one of my favorites : )

The recipe comes from the Betty Crocker cookbook, although we don't sprinkle with sugar or candy after baking.

I got better at rolling the dough and shaping the canes as I went along, but they all taste the same....yummy!


Monday, December 19, 2011

little quilt monday~~~checkerboard trees

Little Quilt Monday

This little quilt was made years ago from a magazine pattern.  It measures 24 X 24 inches.

I hand quilted it and I always enjoy getting it out at Christmas time and I either hang it on the wall or use it as a table topper : )

This will be the last Little Quilt Monday of the year, and we will resume next year on Monday,
 January 2, 2012.  

I have so many more techniques that I am going to try on a mini quilt next year.  If you have something to link up today, that would be wonderful.  I will leave the link up open all week, so we can add to it at any time.   Let's continue to inspire each other!


Friday, December 16, 2011

fun mail

I have received two lovely packages in the mail recently!  This first block is from the Block Swap Adventure swap.

This block is called Bachelor Puzzle.  I now have enough blocks for a quilt, so next year I am going to ask for a different block....what will it be?!?  I haven't decided, but I know I will once again ask for bright fabric : )

Carolyn included one of her darling scissor cases.

The second package was from the holiday mini quilt swap.  I asked for a Christmas mini quilt and here is the wonderful little quilt that I received from Maree in New Zealand.  She also included several extra goodies.

I consider these awesome swaps and fun mail, indeed!


Monday, December 12, 2011

little quilt monday~~~christmas past

Little Quilt Monday

Here is a little quilt that I made years ago, and always enjoy getting it out when I begin my decorating for Christmas.

The quilt measurements are 24 X 24 inches.

The pattern is from a magazine and I will continue to look and hopefully find the pattern so I can give them credit : )  I hand-quilted with off white quilting thread, and of course, if I was quilting it today, it would be with crochet thread and a big stitch! 

I have been out-of-town, and unable to use my machine, although I have had a chance to do some handwork.  How about you?  Do you have something to link up to
Little Quilt Monday.

Let's inspire each other!

The winners of the lapel stick and charm squares were Heather D. and sunny...congratulations!


Friday, December 9, 2011

blog hop party

I am joining the Quilter's Blog Hop Party hosted by The Quilting Gallery.  Each blog is having a giveaway, so be sure to join in the fun and visit all the other participating quilting blogs!

I am giving away a mug rug made by me, and a charm pack from Moda called Curio by Basicgrey.

To enter, please leave one comment telling me how long you have been sewing/quilting : )
This giveaway is for US residents only.   While you are here, why not take a look around my blog.  I host a link up party called Little Quilt Monday each week and would be happy to see your projects linked up.   I invite you to follow my blog, but that is not a requirement for this giveaway that ends at noon CST on Saturday, December 17th.


This giveaway is closed.

Judith is the winner : )  She has been contacted....

I've been sewing since I was eleven when my Dad taught me how. He was an engineer and said, "how hard can it be?" so we tackled it and I sewed all of my own clothes thru high school and even some in my working life. I am now disabled and have been quilting for the last five years. Quilting has literally saved my life.