
Thursday, October 13, 2011

a treasure on thursday

I have my mother's sewing box and it is a treasure : )  Not that it would mean much to anyone else, it is just full of some sweet memories.
Her crochet hooks are inside, along with several of her afghan patterns.  I especially like this one, Indian Paint Brush, that is in her handwriting.  And below is her afghan made from this pattern.

This bright tin was always near the sewing machine and filled with pins and needles and lace.  There are lots of wooden spools,  and the pin cushion we always used.
I imagine this has something to do with why I favor bright colored fabric!

Good memories.


  1. Whur mother's a treasure to have your mother's sewing basket. Hugs

  2. I feel pretty envious seeing these items so I can only imagine how great they must be to you who has precious memories attached to them! You are lucky to have them.

  3. Just beautiful! It is truly a treasure, like Betty Lou said.

  4. Just gorgeous Elizabeth! The tin is fantastic! And the afghan is wonderful with the broken stripes! So glad you have this:)

  5. Did you know a fruit cake came in the pretty metal container. For some reason I remember that. It is special and I'm glad my favorite sister and quilter is enjoying mother's sewing items. She would be proud and you are blessed.
    Love ya sister,
