
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

colorado cabin art

I spent a week in Colorado with my daughter, MB, between her clinical assignment and school.  We had a wonderful time hiking, eating, napping and shopping.  I worked on my hexagons and she made a few bracelets.  While I was there, I took a few photos of my wall art.  One is a cross stitch that I made and the other two I purchased from an art festival in Oklahoma City years ago.  I have always like the ones that I bought, they are painted blocks with stitching on muslin.(click on the photo for a closeup)  I think they would be fun to make, but I do not need to learn another kind of craft : )

We had such wonderful weather in Colorado that I was dreading coming home to the heat.  Thankfully, we have had cool weather here in Oklahoma this week....what a blessing!


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