
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I have been sidetracked from being very productive today because of this baby bird:
 Notice my sad looking flowers(they aren't happy with the 100 plus degree weather)

It is a Mississippi Kite and the nest is in our Pin Oak tree not far from the front porch.  He and his mom have been communicating all morning and she has come close to feed him a few times.  But someone else is watching the baby bird:

As you can see, Tiger is very interested in our visitor ; )



  1. I would be very distracted too! How fun to be able to have a close up view of such a wonderful creature :)

  2. What a cool baby to have around! My kitties would be in heaven, tortured so delightfully at the window, unable to reach the desired object, yet still loving every moment.

  3. I'm surprised that you weren't attacked by the kite - I thought they were very protective of their nest. The young one looks like he is about to go after you.

    there's another large grass fire in Edmond today (Thursday, 4th). Hope you are ok...

    Another Elizabeth in Edmond!
