
Friday, July 29, 2011

recycle and winners

I like to recycle things, do you?  I have shown you my pot scrubbers from plastic onion/orange bags before and here are a couple I made today:

I have a burlap bag that had pinto beans inside.  Of course, I couldn't throw it away and as popular as burlap pillows are these days, that just doesn't interest me.  Do you have any suggestions on what I can do with this 17" X 27" piece of burlap?  We often entertain outside(except in this exceptionally hot weather) and I was thinking maybe a table topper or runner. 

I have randomly picked the winners for my blog anniversary giveaway:

Summer House charm pack goes to JanetK:

 JanetK said...
Happy Anniversary!
I like Summer House best, and I'm an "old" follower...
thanks and congrats on making your blog for a year now!

Jovial charm pack goes to annmarie:
annmarie said...

Congratulations on 1 yr. of blogging & best wishes for many, many more! My favorite charms right now are Amelia - wih I had some!!! lol Thanks for the chance to win another great charm.

  I have sent Janet and annmarie an email so they can give me the information needed to send them their charm pack.  Thank you for all the sweet comments and for taking time to read my blog : )


Thursday, July 28, 2011

farmer's wife sampler

I  have two more blocks from the Farmer's Wife Quilt Sampler.  So far I have made the quilt blocks that don't require templates.  Soon I will have no choice : )

The first one is the Friendship Star:

The next one is Calico Puzzle:

They look great all together!

Don't forget today is the last day to enter my blog anniversary giveaway here.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

design seeds inspiration

If you haven't found this inspirational site yet then get ready for some colorful fun : )

design seeds: color sip: "{color sip}"

They have beautiful pictures everyday with a color palette to match!  Check it out and enjoy.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

calling all wantobe quilters?

 What constitutes someone as a WANTOBE QUILTER..?

They do not have a machine, tools, notions, stash as in fabric...
They may have made a quilt with a MOM, sister, friend, niece, aunt, grandma,

"Hello friends and followers, I would love to welcome you
to a Wantobe Quilters Campaign over here. (
 They are having quilting supplies to giveaway 5 x a week for 12 weeks. 
Supplies that will have you quilting
before you know it...From sewing machines to irons, to die cutters,
to mats, to rotary cutters, sewing baskets, scissors, batting, needles,
rolled sewing machine bags, patterns, books, magazines...everything
you could imagine to assist you in being a NEW Quilter. 
Even if you are already part of this community you can win
quilting stuff too...Tuesday and Thursday are days for us..

All you have to do is give me your name and phone number 
and email sew I can submit this to the organizer, because if you win
anything I can win something too. 

All you have to do is be my follower and a follower

(Please comment below that you want to be a quilter and would like to join in the fun.  Make sure that I
can e-mail you to get your name and phone number....I don't want you to put
your phone number in the comments below : )

That is all! There are over 49 Sponsors involved.

Monday, July 25, 2011

swap block received

Here's the lovely block I received from Mary for our Block Swap Adventure July swap:

I am mailing her block today, so I will wait a few days before I show a picture.

Don't forget to enter my blog anniversary giveaway : )


Sunday, July 24, 2011

anniversary day and giveaway celebration

Today I am celebrating my first year of blogging about my quilting adventures.  This was what I said on my first blog post:

This is the beginning of a new adventure for me. I hope it will help me become a more active quilter!

I can say that I have been more active in starting quilting projects this year.  Now, as I begin my second year in blogland, I hope to finish more projects : )

As part of my celebration, I am hosting a giveaway.  I decided to have 2 winners and they will each win a charm pack.  One will be for followers only, and the other will be for anyone that comments whether you follow my blog or not.  The Moda charm packs are Summer House by Lily Ashbury and Jovial by Basic Grey.

Here are the rules:

Please comment only once and tell me which charm pack is your favorite, and if you follow my blog(new followers too :), please mention that in the same comment.  I will leave the comments open until Thursday, July 28th and I will pick my winners randomly and post the results on Friday, July 29th.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and for those of you that have left me comments of encouragement this year..... double has been a blessing to me!

This giveaway is now closed.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

challenge on design wall

I found the perfect fabric to go with my hexagon quilt challenge fabrics.  It is a cotton(linen look) fabric by French General for Moda that I had in my stash!  I forgot I had that in my linen/linen-look collection and of course, I did a little dance when I realized it was there : )  I am going to leave this on my small design wall for a few days and decide if I like the pairing of the triangles for the hexagons.  Please let me know if you see a hexagon/triangle that needs to move to another area.

Tomorrow is my 1 year blog kind of took me by surprise.  I will have some type of give-away on tomorrows post so I hope you will join me to celebrate my first year in blogland!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

time to cut

I cut all the triangles out of the challenge fabric for my hexagons : )  Here are some pictures to show you six of the triangles that I cut:

I cut two layers at one time, so the red is on top and the lighter fabric is underneath.

I cut 5 1/2 inch 60 degree triangles.

I cut three triangles from each fabric.

I ended up with 9 different hexagons(I am only showing one).

Now to decide what solid color I will use to separate the hexagons !  (I have a dark linen that I hope will work well as long as it isn't too stretchy for triangles.)


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

my plan

I have sketched a little design for my challenge quilt top.

I am going to use two colors for each hexagon.  I have put 18 of the French General fabrics in pairs for the 9 hexagons, leaving one for some type of embellishment or maybe the outside of the hexagons.

I am using this Creative Grids 60 degree triangle ruler and cutting my triangles at 5 1/2 inches.  I hope this will be a fun learning experience as well as a pretty quilt top : )  I will continue to take pictures as I go, showing the process of making this challenge quilt.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

a challenge

One of my local quilt shops is having The Savage Quilter 2011 Challenge.  I picked up the fabric yesterday and it is delightful : )   There are 19 fat eighths of a variety of fabrics by French General for Moda.  I am now tossing ideas back and forth in my mind and I will begin soon, as long as Tiger will let me!


Friday, July 8, 2011

farmer's wife blocks

Here are two more of my Farmer's Wife Sampler quilt blocks!
Snowball and Spool : )

Here they are all together....I am very happy with my fabric choices.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

fireworks from front yard

We decided to sit in our front yard last night instead of going to our usual spot to watch the firework display in our neighborhood.  It was so lovely with the moon sliver sitting to the side taking part in the beauty of the night : )  My camera doesn't take the best pictures at night, but I caught a few pretty fireworks that I will show you!

It was wonderful.....and we didn't even have any mosquitos to bug us....glorious!

On a quilting note, Lily's Quilts is having a wonderful giveaway from the Fat Quarter Shop.


Monday, July 4, 2011

happy 4th of july

Here's my last little patriotic quilt.

I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July with family and friends!  And for those of you in other countries my hope is for you to enjoy this day as well : )


Saturday, July 2, 2011

a little flag quilt

Here's a little flag quilt.  It is one of my favorites : )


fwqal=farmer's wife quilt-along

Here's a picture of the red pentas in my garden : )

I  have two more Farmer's Wife Sampler quilt blocks finished!  It is slow going but I am enjoying the fabric and the blocks.  I now have 4 blocks finished and 107 to go.....

If I can do this, anyone can : )  Why not join the Farmer's Wife Quilt-Along with me?!


Friday, July 1, 2011

a little embroidery

My hibiscus is blooming despite the heat!

Here is a little embroidery flag quilt:
