
Saturday, March 5, 2011

my first quilt

I found my first quilt on the garage floor : (  Poor thing has seen better days, it is faded and a bit worn.  I made it in the early 90's from a Leisure Arts pattern book.  I don't know if I still have that pattern book and I can't remember the name of the quilt block.  I will have to do some research because I am now curious!

If you look closely you can see all those chopped off points.  It didn't bother me then, and it really doesn't bother me now.  I am glad that I rescued this quilt, and it already looks better after I washed it.  I will mend a few seams and, although it won't be good as new, it will make a perfect picnic quilt : )




  1. It must still be a good quilt, the cat sits on it ;)

  2. lol! Was thinking, "Well, it gets the stamp of approval from the cat, so yeah, it's still got great value!"

  3. Oh, besides being a cool quilt in its own right. :D

  4. What a pretty quilt! So glad you rescued it from the floor and gave it a good bath. ;) Here's to many happy picnics sitting on top of it!

  5. Tiger has good taste. What was the quilt doing on the garage floor? It's very pretty.

  6. That looks like a pretty complex pattern for a first quilt, I think it is lovely. My first quilts must have been so bad that I don't even remember what happened to them. Something are better left forgotten. Kitty likes it.
