
Saturday, February 5, 2011

retro nine patch

I have another project to show you that I have been working on while I am snowbound.  I would be working on these projects anyway, but the fact that I am stuck at home due to the crazy weather means I have a little more time to work on my sewing/stitching projects : )  Count it all joy!

Anyway, this is the free Retro Nine Patch embroidery project at bluebirdquilts.  Lyn hasn't shown us the big picture yet, just this first block, so I am not sure what is coming in the next few months.  I am planning to use Central Park by Moda with these stitcheries, so I am using floss colors that go with that fabric. This first block is pretty cute, so I am looking forward to what she has planned for this month.

After looking at my pictures, I noticed I hadn't washed out my blue pen, so I will do that soon.  I haven't ever had a problem with the blue pen, but I sure don't want to leave it in too long.  I am stitching on linen, and I really like the way it looks.  Why not head over to Lyn's blog and join me in this stitching adventure!



  1. Looking good. It's going to be so pretty with Central Park. I love Kate Spain's fabrics.

    Can I ask you something? I'm also hiding from the snow and thought it would be nice to start a quilt with embroidery squares. The only other time I did any embroidery it was for my brother's wedding and I just did the pictures freehand. This time I'll be using a pattern. How do you get the picture onto your fabric? Or can you send me to a tutorial online that might give me some tips?

  2. Hello Elizabeth, love your version of the first block.....thank you for joining in...Warm Regards, Lyn
