
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

hearts and gizzards

Finally, I have found the name of the block for this antique quilt  at Stash Manicure blog.  It is a beautiful quilt, and very appropriate for February with the red hearts.  I will add this quilt to the pictures of my antique quilt collection found at the tab above.

The name of this block pattern is Hearts and Gizzards.  I can see the hearts, but the gizzards....there must be a story to go with this block : )   Maybe I will do some research later, but for now, I am happy to put a name with the block.  I don't know who made this quilt but it is fabulous!

My sweet husband has done a little research on this quilt for me and he discovered that the pattern for this block is also known as Dutch Windmill.  That makes me happy too  ; )


1 comment:

  1. Wow! That quilt is fabulous. It is one of the first piecing patterns I ever attempted and I quit almost immediately. Between cutting all the curves and then trying to piece them it was more than my skills could handle. Thanks for adding it to the online exhibit.
