
Sunday, January 16, 2011

one house-many projects

A month or two ago, Beth at Love Laugh Quilt challenged quilters in our blogland neighborhood to make a 12 inch house quilt block and mail them to her.  I forgot to take a picture of mine : (  but I included cats in the windows looking out at birds in the sky, and I used some of my Kaffe Fassett fabric for the house and roof.

Beth picked the winners of all the blocks at the beginning of January and there were so many blocks sent to her that she was able to choose several winners!  She also sent each blogger/quilter that participated a small fabric house to use in any project they wanted to make, and ask us to send her a picture so we can see all the projects made from one house.

I made mine yesterday, and it is now hanging in my sewing room/studio.  I used linen and some of my stash of homespun plaids and stripes.  It is 12"X12", and is a fun reminder of all my new neighbors in blogland.  I moved into this blogland neighborhood on July 24, 2010 and it is a very inspiring, pleasant place to be : )




  1. Wonderful little quilt! What a great way to be reminded of all your friends in blogland.

  2. Oooh! I love your house quilt! It feels peaceful to me...just like our neighborhood!;)

  3. I'm still working on my little house - yours looks great!

  4. What a wonderful mini-quilt momento of Beth's 'neighborhood' project. I love the soft colors.
