
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

i took the process pledge

  I am new to blogging and have found this pledge that I think will help me as I blog.  The following is given to help get some good discussion/blogging about our quilt process.  This will make it more meaningful to both the one reading the blog and the one writing it!  This is a very interesting adventure : )


Do you have any new sketches to show?

  • Is this design inspired by a past quilt or someone else's quilt you saw (link, please)?

  • Does the color palette come from somewhere specific?

  • Are you trying to evoke a specific feeling?

  • Is this quilt intended for a specific person?  How did that inform your choices?

  • Are you following a pattern, emulating a block you saw somewhere, using a liberated process, or totally winging it?

  • What are you hating about this quilt at this stage?  What do you love?

  • Did you push yourself to try something new?

  • In working on the quilt, are you getting ideas about what you might want to try next?  What?  Did you sketch it?

  • Thank you, Rossie from Fresh Modern Quilts


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